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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/2/2009 1:47:56 PM
Creation date
4/2/2009 1:47:54 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 9, 2009 <br />Page 7 <br />Ms. Curti opined that there would be some cost savings realized in a mail only <br />election, as well as early voting, as the City's main election cost was due to staff- <br />ing election judges at various precincts and for the labor intensive nature of ab- <br />sentee voting requirements. Ms. Curti noted that staff didn't want to hinder the <br />City's leadership role in the number of citizens voting, or in the number of absen- <br />tee ballots; noting that the City's voter rate was 90% of registered voters, com- <br />pared to statewide voting rates of only 79%. <br />Ms. Curti advised that there were some advocates, including the Secretary of <br />State's Office, pursuing current legislation; however, it was not certain that the <br />legislation would be successful. Ms. Curti advised that Mr. Mansky had offered <br />to attend a briefing for the City Council to provide additional information in a <br />public forum. Ms. Curti noted that Mr. Mansky, during his tenure with the Secre- <br />tary of State's Office, had written considerable election legislation. <br />Ms. Curti advised that, if the City Council was interested in being a test City in <br />2010, staff could draft an appropriate resolution indicating such for Ramsey <br />County and the Secretary of State's Office. <br />Councilmember Pust thanked Ms. Curti and staff for all their work during election <br />season and in past elections, and for bringing these ideas forward. Councilmem- <br />ber Pust opined that Roseville was a leader; and noted that citizens in Roseville <br />already used the "vote early" concept, but that it was consider Absentee Voting. <br />Councilmember Pust opined that this seemed to be an obvious option, since as <br />long as people were on site to vote early by Absentee Ballot, their ballots should <br />be sent through the counting machines, at which time any errors could be deter- <br />mined and resolved while they were present, and ensuring that their vote would <br />count. Councilmember Pust opined that she was more concerned with the mail <br />only option, expressing questions as to whether this would negatively impact or <br />provide barriers to Minnesota's option for same day registration; and whether suf- <br />ficient qualifications were in place to facilitate mail only elections. Councilmem- <br />ber Pust opined that the rest of the nation should follow the example set by the <br />State of MN in allowing for same day registration. <br />Ms. Curti advised that she could do further research with the State of Oregon and <br />other contacts to determine if this would be a negative impact. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed her support of passing a resolution to volunteer <br />Roseville as a test site; sharing similar concerns with mail only elections. <br />Councilmember Johnson expressed concern that the City of Roseville was able to <br />maintain or improve upon its high voting turnout record; and asked for additional <br />information on how mail votes were counted and verified, and how the process <br />was best monitored. <br />
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