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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:06:33 AM
Creation date
4/23/2005 4:33:40 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
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<br />RES 0 L UTI 0 N )~"...f / '-~ <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Village of Roseville has heretofore approved and adopted <br />a plan for the oonstruction, maintenance and operation of a sanitary sever <br />system, and, <br /> <br />WHF.REAS, the Council of the Village of Roseville has, b7 proper pro- <br />aeedage, determined the need for oertain looations of UIlderground ..ver IIIlins, <br />sever pipes and appurtenanoes to be installed, maintained and operated vithiD <br />the plan adopted, <br /> <br />lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Roseville needs <br />to acquire a perpetual eas_eDt for the oonstruotion, maintenance and operation <br />of sever Jl8.ins, .ever pipes and appurtenances to an approxillate depth of 8 to <br />20 feet, together vi th ingress and egress over and through the following <br />described land in Ramsey CountY', Minnesota, under its powers of ndDent domain: <br /> <br />An easement JO feet in width, the center line of which is <br />described as follovs: Beginning at a point on the .outh line <br />of that part of the lfWi of Sec 11, T 29, R 2.3 described as <br />follevs: Commencing at a point on the W line of said Sec 11, <br />1275.9.3 ft I from the SW corner of said NWt-; thence E_~aralle1 <br />to the S line of said INt to the E line of the Wi of wt of NWt <br />of said Sec 11; thence I along the E line of Wi of Wi- of BWi <br />to the Sly' line of Borthem Pacific Railroad; thence Wl;y along <br />said right of vay to the W line of said NWi; 'thenee S to point <br />of beginning, EXCEFTIIG the folloving de.cribed propertY': <br />Beginning on theW line of said NWi 1546.55 ft I of the SW <br />corner thereof; thenceE at 90 degrees, 22.3 ft to a point; thence <br />I and parallel with the W line of said Wi 50 tt; thence 11 22.3 :tt <br />to a point on the 11 line of said NWi 1596.55 ft I of the SW corner <br />of said NWtJ thence S on 11 line of said NWi 50 :tt to place of <br />beginning; excepting the )1 33 tt for LexiDgtOD Ave; and also EXCEFT <br />Part of the NWi of Sec 11, T 29 R 23 described &s follows: <br />beghmi~g on the W line of said NWt1421.55 ft N of the West <br />Quarter corner of said Sec ll; thence E at 90 degrees to W line <br />of said Section 543.0 f't to a point; thence I at 90 degrees 202 <br />rt to a point; thence W at 90 degrees 320 rt to a point; thence <br />S at 90 degrees 77 rt to a point; thence W 223 rt to a point on <br />the llline of said Section II being 1546.55 rt I of the West <br />Quarter corner of said Section 11, T 29, R 23; thence S to point <br />of beginning, exoepting the W 33 rt thereof taken for Lexington <br />AYe; together with easement for driveway over the N 10 rt of the <br />I 60 rt of the E 190 :tt of the W 22.3 rt of the S 1606.55 rt of <br />said NWi of Sec 11, said point being 20 rt vest of the soutaeaet <br />corner; thel1ee DortherJy and parallel to the east line a distance <br />of approximately 205 rt; the:a.ce north .3()O vest a distance of <br />approximately 190 rt; thence vesterlY' a distance of approximate1;y <br />.320 rt; thence south 600 vest a distance of approximately 30 tt; <br />thence wester1;y a distance of approxiu.telY' 140 ft. to a point on <br />the east line of Lexi.mgton Ave. said point being .350 ft. north of <br />the southvest eorner of said parcel of land. <br />
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