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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/2/2009 1:53:11 PM
Creation date
4/2/2009 1:53:08 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 23, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />Captain Mathwig advised that, similar to most other city police forces, the City of <br />Roseville Police Department had no assets or training for water patrol and/or en- <br />forcement; and that these services were thus handled throughout the State by re- <br />spective Sheriff's Departments. <br />Councilmember Roe questioned how common this type of supplemental agree- <br />ment was for jurisdictions around lakes. <br />Sgt. Tony Wahl and Commander Ron Nafland, Ramsey County Sheriff's <br />Department <br />Sgt. Wahl advised that Ramsey County currently had three supplemental con- <br />tracts: White Bear Lake Conservation District, the City of Shoreview, and this <br />agreement with the City of Roseville. <br />Councilmember Pust expressed her appreciation to staff for providing the addi- <br />tional information and annual report detailed in the staff report; and questioned if <br />Ramsey County would issue similar citations with or without supplemental ser- <br />vices by boat on the lake. <br />Sgt. Wahl advised that their enforcement had a direct correlation with boats using <br />the lake; and that issues were usually related to boating conduct, or something ob- <br />served via water encounter that precipitated the stop and issuing a citation. <br />Councilmember Ihlan sought information on the scope of the agreement, the 42 <br />hours identified for additional coverage on weekends and/or holidays; and <br />whether Ramsey County would have a presence there without such an agreement <br />for supplemental services. <br />Sgt. Wahl advised that the Department may not be there every weekend, or as <br />much, given their finite number of resources (i.e., boats and officers), and their <br />coverage of area lakes and the Mississippi River; however, he advised that they <br />directed resources to the best of their ability to provide that coverage where his- <br />torically indicated, and unless an emergency required rerouting of those resources <br />elsewhere in Ramsey County. Sgt. Wahl opined that, while not a perfect system, <br />they attempted to adhere to the supplemental service contract in providing that <br />coverage. <br />Councilmember Johnson questioned if Ramsey County received requests from <br />other associations on other lakes in Roseville and if other supplemental services <br />were indicated. <br />Sgt. Wahl advised that, since those requests would come through him as the con- <br />tact person, he was unaware of any other requests to-date. <br />
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