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4.O BACKGROUND <br />� 4.1 The Ehlers property lies at 3060 Centre Pointe Drive, within the Centre Pointe Susiness <br />� Park. The property has a Comprehensive Plan designation of Susiness Park (SP) and a <br />� zoning classification of Planned Unit Development (PUD) . <br />� 4.2 Minnesota State Statutes, Chapter 462.358, subdivision 7, provides municipalities <br />� guidance for vacating publicly owned easements. Specifically, this subdivision reads: <br />� Vacation. The governing body ofa municipalitymay vacate any publicly owned utility <br />� easement or boulevard reserve or any portion thereof, which are not being used for <br />� sewer, drainage, electric, telegraph, telephone, gas and steam purposes orfor boulevard <br />� reserve purposes, in the same manner as vacation proceedings are conducted for streets, <br />� alleys and other public ways under a home rule charter or other provisions oflaw. <br />� 4.3 In 1997 the City Council approved the Centre Pointe PUD and, along with it, specific <br />_ development plans and/or terms and conditions under which development would be <br />_ allowed. The utility and drainage plans identified/created storm water management ponds <br />_ designed to accommodate adjacent development drainage. One such pond and subsequent <br />_ public drainage easement, lies in the southeast corner of the Ehlers property. <br />_ 4.4 Ehlers' desire to expand their office building in compliance with the PUD will require the <br />_ storm water management pond to be redesigned, the existing easement to be vacated, and <br />_ the a new easement to be created for the new pond configuration. <br />_ 5.O STAFF COMMENTS <br />_ 5.1 When reviewing requests for vACATiNG PusLic EASEMENTS (in this instance a pond <br />_ easement) , the Public Works/Engineering Department determines whether the request <br />� will immediately or in the future, have an adverse impact the general health, welfare, or <br />� safety of the citizens of the City of Roseville. The Department also determines whether it <br />� is in the best interest of the City to retain an easement protecting the public interest. <br />� 5.2 The Public Works/Engineering Department has reviewed the request by Ehlers and has <br />� determined that the subject storm water easement can be vacated and replaced by a new <br />�� easement that covers the redesigned and approved (by Rice Creek and City Engineer) <br />storm water pond. <br />6.O PUBLIC HEARING <br />� 6.1 The duly-noticed public hearing for this application was held by the Planning <br />� Commission on April 1, 2009. No one from the public spoke on this issue. <br />F 6.2 After closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission had further discussion about <br />F the adequacy of parking on or near the property before voting unanimously (6-0) to <br />F recommend approval of the proposed vACAT1oN with the conditions identified in Section <br />F 7 of this staff report. Draft minutes of the public hearing are included with this report as <br />Attachment E. <br />PF09-009_RCA_042009 (3).doc <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />