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Attachment D <br />EXTRACT OF THE DRAFT MINUTES OF THE APRIL 1, 2009 <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br />a. PLANNING FILE 09-009 <br />Request by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. for approval of an easement <br />vacation at 3060 Centre Pointe Drive to allow an office expansion <br />that necessitates a redesigned storm water management system <br />and a newly-dedicated drainage easement. <br />Chair poherty opened the Public Hearing for Planning File 09-009 (6:40 <br />p.m.). <br />Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd reviewed staff's analysis of the request by <br />Ehlers and Associates for vacation of a utility and drainage easement for <br />the storm water management pond in the southeast corner of their <br />property at 3060 Centre Pointe Drive. <br />Mr. Lloyd advised that Ehlers desired to expand their office building in <br />compliance with the PUD that would require the storm water management <br />pond to be redesigned, the existing easement to be vacated, and a new <br />easement created for the new pond configuration. Mr. Lloyd noted that <br />the Public Works/Engineering Department had reviewed the request by <br />Ehlers and had determined that the subject storm water easement could <br />be vacated and replaced by a new easement that covered the redesigned <br />and approved (by Rice Creek and City Engineer) storm water pond. <br />Staff recommended approval of the request by Ehlers and Associates for <br />vacation of a utility and drainage easement for the storm water <br />management pond in the southeast corner of their property at 3060 <br />Centre Pointe Drive; based on the comments and findings of Sections 4 <br />and 5 and the conditions of Section 6 of the project report dated April 01, <br />2009. <br />Discussion included clarification of square footage of the existing building <br />and proposed expansion; consistency of the vacated easement and legal <br />description and survey dated March 4, 2009 as part of this application; <br />dedication of a new utility and drainage easement covering the newly <br />designed and approved storm water management pond prior to vacation <br />of the existing easement; proposed design techniques for the new <br />easement; the applicant's intent to provide pervious parking in some <br />spaces to further mitigate storm water management (not shown in the <br />packet materials); and any safety concerns related to the pathway along <br />Cleveland Avenue. <br />City Engineer Deb Bloom concurred that the safety concerns of the <br />adjacent pathway were valid, however, she opined that the new pond <br />would not affect he existing pathway; that staff would investigation <br />location of the trees; and that the incline would be no steeper than the <br />current grade, and would just provide for a different conveyance system <br />