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district. If costs exceed the initial fee, staff will request an additional deposit to complete <br />the work. <br />. 3.2 Sy setting a public hearing date for the establishment of TIF District 18, the City Council <br />. is not obligating itself to either creating a TIF district for this project or agreeing to any <br />. future financing for Aeon's Phase II project. As required by statute, the TIF plan will <br />. provide a discussion on the economic and fiscal impacts of the proposed TIF district. <br />4.O STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />. 4.1 Staff recommends that the City Council set a public hearing date of June 15, 2009. <br />. Setting this date does not obligate the Council to approve the district. <br />� 5.O REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br />5.1 Sy resolution, set June 15, 2009, as the public hearing date to consider establishing TIF <br />District 18. <br />Prepared by: Jamie Radel, Economic Development Associate <br />Attachments: A: Process Timeline <br />B: Draft Resolution <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />