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RIDER � TO RETAiL ��ASE <br />Dated December 30, � 999, �y and bctween LEXING-�DN SHO�PES LIM17E� PAR�"NERSf�IiP, as <br />Landl.ord �nc� the City of RosP�tf�e, as �en2nt. <br />T. Additional �erm,. �he Rent for each Lease Year cl��rinc� the Terrrr hereo€ shall be payable in <br />twelve (12) equal month�y instalfr�ents on or �efor� the first r�ay of each month, in advance, <br />in the �ollowinc� amounts : <br />I�ease Month Mantl�ly Rent <br />1 -36 $ 2,000 <br />�. Se�arate Meterinc�af. �!tilities. Utility ser�ice fo� electricity, heat, telep}�one or cabfe shaEl <br />i�e a direct rsposibifity af the Tenant. <br />3. Builc�int� Sigi�ac�e. Tenar�t s�iafl be responsiiale for all costs associ�ted with Tenant's <br />exterir�r signage. Tenants signacje musr cornply with alf Gity codes and regulations a�d si�ch <br />requiremer�ts that may be stipulated by th� �andlord hereiri anc# be i:nstailed in accordance <br />with the reh�bilitation timetabie af the Shopptng: Center. Upor� Lease terminatiort, Tenant wi:li <br />have the right ia temporary sic�nage at Te�-�ant's cost of at leas� 4 squrae feet ir� size far a <br />perioc! n.ot. to exceed one y�ar iri€arn�ing Te��ant's custorners of its new 4acatiorr. i�he sign <br />wilf b� �ocated as clase as possil�le to the preniises doorway. <br />4: pption to �xtend,.�ease Term. Providec� �enant is not in default hereunder, Tenant shail <br />have the option to extend the tern� of this fease for ltivo (2) �hree year periods upon the <br />same terrris and conditions except fo� Monthfy Rent, which for t�ie optiori periad shali be <br />$2,Q83 per rronti� �or the first three-year extension. term and �2,500 per rnonth for tne <br />secon� three-year extensic�n term. Tenant sha�! exercise said option by giving written notice <br />to Landlord not later th:ai7 60 days priar to the expiration of the then current Lease Term. <br />5. Parkina �ot. Landlord agrees to �xtencl th:e p�r!<inc� lot to the north {�u�ject [o the <br />ap�rova� of t�e City o� Rosev:lle's buildit�� departrnent) to provicfe at a minimurr� an <br />additional Z4 parking s��aces. Tl�is �arlEing IoC �xtension is to be� comp�eted within 1 2 <br />months of tl�e Tenants v�+ritten request to prac�ed. Upor� completion, Tenant ag.rees to <br />reirrt�urse the �ar�c�lord for �0% af the cast of such �xtension. Suc}� payment ta b� rriac�e <br />by Tenant within 1 5 days a� receif�t af invoice from �ancilord, <br />6, lJn�aid sums anc# Service Ch,arqes, Any amounts owing fr�rn the Tenant to the Landford <br />ur�der this Lease shall bear ir�t�rest a� the Def�ult rate. In addition to the foregaing <br />remedi�s, if any payrr�ent af Ann�raf Rerit is not paicl virhen due, Tena�t shall pay a late charge <br />equa! to 5% of the amount of such overdue �aymen� a:s liquidated damages for Che <br />Land:lord's extra exo�rise ancf handling af s�ich f�ast due amo�nt. <br />Z7 <br />