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-�--���. <br />Lease Addent3�m Two <br />Tl�is Ad�enduil� �'wo shall ameiid t��e Lease AgreeiYient ("Lease") dated Decemher �0, <br />1999 bv and between to Roseville �enter �,iinited i'artnei�ship ("Landlord"} a�ici tlie C:ity <br />pf Roseville {"Tenant"}. <br />�.. TeLizu�f's Leased Pi'e4nises si�all be increased fi�ain. the cut7•et�t 2,315 square feet to <br />3,332 sqt€are feet by ad�ing 5iiite 2735 consisting af 1;017 sc��aa��e feet. <br />2. La�icllo�'d 5ha1�1 delive�r tl�e� ac�ditionaf s�pace, S��ite 2735, to Tz�7at�t ix� an AS-IS <br />C017C�ItlOE1. <br />3. The Lease tenn for tlte additianal space, suite 2735, s17a11 be tlu�ee (3) years and <br />four (4) months and shall coni�nence: on Ociaber ], 2005 and te�-filir�ate an ranuary <br />a l, ?OQ9 <br />�}. The ai�zu�l Rent fot� the additioiial space shall �e according to the follo�ing <br />scl�ed��le: <br />E,ease Period <br />�o�i�?oos . ti� �i�ao6 <br />aiu?oo�- �i�3-?oa�r <br />2� ll20.07 - 1/31-200& <br />2! f 120Q& - 1/31-2009 <br />Montlil�Rent <br />$ � , <br />$i,�oo.oa <br />� 1,65�.00 <br />$1,700.6� <br />�. Tei�an# l�ereby exercises �t� second tl��ee (3) year optiai� to renet��+ ti�e tern3 of tl�is <br />��ease, as set far�li t�ilder Sectian 4 of Ridei' �n.e to tiiis Lease. Tl�e reuewal <br />period shall be fo� tln�ee (3} year•s beginni«g Febr�ary 1, 20�6 �u�d e�pirit�g an <br />Januar}� a 1, 2009, Tlie rental i�ate for tl�e original Premise:s durii7g the re�lewal <br />pa�`iod si1a11 be �2,50� per manth. <br />6. Pi-o��idec� Tenatit i5 ilnt i�� c�efaitlt l�ei'�LllldCl'r Te��ant sliall ]iave the aption (tllird <br />opCiati} ta extenc� t17� tertn �� tI�iis lease for oile (I ) fl�ree (3) year period. tipon Elie <br />saine ter�ns ��d cailditions e�c�pt foi Az�it�al Re�zt. �T�he A�ui«al Rent for C[.�e <br />origiE�a� space and tlie additional space sl�a�! be acccsrdiiig to #he %l�owii-�� <br />sclledule c�u���ing the thir� ap#ion �eriad: <br />Th�rd O�fiot� Period <br />Originai Space <br />Optio.n Pariod (Yeat MonthlY Rent <br />��S Year i $3;050A0 <br />�`� ��a� a� ap\O Year 2 �3, l 50.�0 <br />�Year 3 ��,25Q.00 <br />�,0� <br />Acidi#ionzl Space <br />Option Period (1'ear� <br />Year ] <br />��fJ� �(� Year 2 <br />�Year s <br />aa�� <br />Montltiv Re�t <br />$[,750.40 <br />$i,sao.00 <br />�1,850.�0 <br />