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Lease Addend�m Trvo <br />'I`his A�lde�idEUn Twc� sl�all aalei�d� the Lease Ag1'eet3�ert�t ("�Leas�") dated Decenlbei �0, <br />�999 by ai:d between to Rosevrile Ce�}ter Lin�ited Parti�erstiip ("Land!o�d"} and the C;it�� <br />of Raseville ("T�i�anY"). <br />?. T���a��t's Leased I'rernises shall be i«creased fi�o��� the ct�i���i�t 2,315 snuare feet to <br />3,332 sqtiare feet by �ddi��g Suite 2735 consist.u�g of 1,0�7 squ�a°e feet. <br />2. �andlord �li�ll delivea- i��e adr�itio�lai spzce, stttCe '�735, tn Tenailt ii� an A5-IS <br />eondit.ion: <br />3. TUe Lease tenn for th� additiai��.l space, s��ite ?735, sl�all be tl�•ee (3) years a���l <br />four (4} �.7�onths and sl�a�l �on���aei�ce on October 1, 20b� and �ernzii�ate on .�anuary <br />3 7 , 2dQ9 <br />�. The an.�,�u�I Re��t for the additioilal space sl�all be accardirlg to tI�e follo«tilg <br />schedr.ile: <br />Lease Pe.riod <br />1011l20�5 - I/31/3005 <br />?nnoo� - �>>i-?oo� <br />?��i?oa� - u:� � _�oos <br />?�i�?aas- r�}�-?oo� <br />viontl��_ Ren[ <br />��:soa.00 <br />��,GOa.oa <br />�I,6�Q.00 <br />��,� <br />5. Tet�a3�t hereby cxercises ii5 second tl��ee (3} ye�r optio�� to rei1��� tlie tern� of this <br />Le�se, a� 5et fo�tl� tti�der S��ctioiz 4 of Rider O�i�e to tlus �ease�. Tl�e. re�z�ewal <br />periad sl�all b� for t�u-ee (3) years begiX��ii�g. FeUr�iary 1, 2006 �Zd expiri��a. oi7 <br />.�an�uary 31, ��09. Tlie rei�tal i��te �or the origina� Pre�nises dui-iilg the ren�ewal <br />�zi�iod sha�1 be �2;5�0 per ma�atl�. <br />6. Providec� Tena�rt Ls not ii1 defattlC l7eret��der, Te��ant shall have tYze opt�of� (tl�ird <br />aptio��} to exte��d the tern� of tllis iease fc-rr cane (1} tllree (3} year period �ipon t[ie <br />s��le temis and conditions exce�t for �u�ual kent. The A.��z�ra� Rent for tlle <br />origiilal spac� azad tl�e Gdditiorlal s�ace sliall be accordiaib to tl�e follawiizg <br />sc��eduie dui•ii�o tl�e tliird o�tioi� period; <br />Thii•d Optioi� I'eriad <br />Ori�inal S�nce <br />b tici�� Pet:iod_.(Year} Mo�7tl;lv RenE <br />Yea¢- 1 $3,050,�L1 <br />Year 2 �3,150.00 <br />Year 3 $3,250.00 <br />Addi.fional Space <br />Option Perio�Year Moiiil�lv I�ei�� <br />Year 1 � ] ,750.0� <br />Year 2 �I,800.00 <br />Yezr 3 �1,85Q.00 <br />