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Lease Addend��n Three <br />Th�s �lddendu�n Three shall a.�nend the Retail i,ease Agreement ("Lease") dated <br />Decetriber 30, 1999 by and between Raseville Center Limited �arcnership (the <br />"T�andlord"1_ and the Citv of Rose�ille (tt�e "Tenant"1. <br />in consid�ratffln. of the murual covenants herein contained and otl�er gaod and valuable <br />consideration, the receip# and sufficiency of Whic� is hereby acknowl.edgeci, the panies <br />het`eta agree tl�at said Lease �hall he and hereby is amended to include the fallov�rin�: <br />i. _ Per Lease Addend�un Two, the square faotage has been increased to 3,332 <br />square feet. <br />2. �'he Lease sha�l be extended for a(4) %ur years and �vili tenninate on <br />January 31, 2013. <br />3. The aiznua] Rent for fhe �ctditianal space shall be according to the following <br />schedule: <br />L.ease PeriQd <br />2/1/2009 — r131120�U <br />2/112�10— �131/2Q11 <br />2/1/2011 — 1/31/2012 <br />2f1/2012— �/31/2013 <br />Monthiy l�ent <br />�4,200.00 <br />��;8-�BO `�, �ls��. <br />��;9�9-_DO `f� [o � � <br />�'� � � � 5� <br />All otl�er terms and cond.itions of tlze Lease referred to �n the opening paragrapl�. of th�s <br />Addendum si�all. rernain. ii� f�li effect for thc c��iratian of said Lease. �3y si�nat�are be�ow, <br />both parties. agzee to this Addendum: <br />Tenant: <br />CITY OF ROSEVII.L,E <br />B�: <br />Its <br />�,ancilord: <br />ROSEV�LLE C�NT�R LIMiTED <br />PARTI�IERSHIP <br />: <br />Its: <br />Date:. _ Date: <br />