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charge to Tenant for any reasona#�le attorrtey's fees or expenses incic�ent Co a re�iew of any <br />dacumentation rel�red to any propased assignr�ent or suk�letting by Tena:nt. <br />A�ticle i 1: DAMAGE BY FIRE OR OTHEF� CASUALTY <br />(a) ff fire a� oCher casualty shall render the whole or any material partion of Premises <br />untenable, and the L.andlord de�ermines that the �'remises can reasona�ly be �xpected to be <br />rriade tenantabfe wEtl�in sixty (60} days from the date af sucf� ev�nt without resorting to <br />overt�rne pay for fabor and Landl:ord �lects to eff�ct such repairs or restoration; �andlard <br />shall repair and restare the Premises and the B�rildin� to as near their candition priar to the <br />fire ar Qther casuaEty as is reasonably possi�al� withiri such period (subject ta delays for <br />causes beyond Landlord's r��sanable contro!) and notify Tenant that it shalf be doing so, <br />5uch notice ta f�e mail�c! withi�� ten (10) days from the date af such darr�ag� or destruction, <br />ancf this Lease shall rema�n in fuil force anc! effect, �ut the rent �or the period during w�ich <br />the Pre�nis�s are u�tenabfe shall b� at�uted pro rata (based upon the portion of the <br />Premises whicn is untenable}. <br />(b) (i) If fire or other casualty shaif render the wnole or any m�teriai �art of the Premises <br />untena�le and Land!ord cletermines t}�at the f�remises cannot reasonably be expected to be <br />mad.e tenantable within. sixty (60) days fram t�e date of such event, Chen either party, by <br />�oCice in writing to the other mailed within ten (1 D) days from ��e dat� of such elamage or <br />destruction, may ��rmirate t�is Lease effectivE �,��on a date +�vit€iin ten (10} days from �he <br />ciate of swch notice. fn the e�ent that mare thar� fifty �aercent (5a°/a} of th� value of the <br />Shap�ing C.enter Tract is damaged ar destroyed �y fire ar other casualty and irrespective <br />o� wheth�r damac�e ar d�sCructior� can be r�ac�e ten.a.nta�;le wit�r one hundred sixty (60} <br />days thereafter, or if �andlord elects not to repair or restore, then at L.andlord's oPtion, by <br />written notic.e to Tenant, r-nailed v,rithir� �ifCeen {15} days from the date of such darr�age oT <br />destruction, Landlard r��ay terminate this L�ase effecti�e u�arr a date witF�in ninet.y (90) days <br />from the date af �uch notice to Terran:t. <br />{ii) €f this Lease is not terminatecf pursuant to this Articie, Landford shal! repair anc# <br />restorE the Premises ar�d the 5hoppirig Center 1`ract to as near their conditron prior to the <br />fiire or other casualty as is reasonabfy possibte wiC� �I1 c�ue diligence and speed (subject to <br />delays for causes beyond Landlord's reasonable c�ntro!) and the €�ent for the �eriod during <br />which t�e Premises are untenaE�le s!�all t�e ahated pra rata (based upon the portion of <br />Premises which is untenable). In no e�ent sh�fl Landlord be of�ligated to repair �r restore <br />any speciaf equrprr�er�t, �1XYUf�S p� impro�er�ents instaU�d' by Tenant at Tenant`s expense. <br />(c) In the e��nt of a termination oF this Lease �urs�ant to this Article, rent shal! be <br />ap�ortior�ed on a per cliem basis and paid t� Ch� da:te of the Fire or� other ca:sualty.. <br />Article 1 Z: EMIN�I�� DOMAIN <br />(a) It tF�e whol� o� any part of the Premises shalE be tal<en under the po7,,ier of aminent <br />domain so tkia.t the: remai�ing partFOn of the Prernises is unsuita�Ie for the purposes intended <br />here�rnder, this Lease shali terminate as of the dat.e poss�ssion of same is ta]<en:. <br />1Z <br />