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GUIDANT JOHN ROSE MINNESOTA OVAL <br />Install Facility Monitoring Equipment $ 50,000 <br />• Install security cameras to monitor activity throughout facility especially at building <br />access points <br />• Maximize staffing efficiency and effectiveness by directing staff to needed areas <br />2. OVAL Scoreboard/Timing Mechanism/Electronic Marquee sign $ 200,000 <br />• Current technology is outdated and expensive to maintain <br />• Provide better service for regional, national and international events <br />• Expand marketing opportunities <br />• Ability to incorporate electronics into existing primary facility marquee signage in <br />order to reduce manual labor to change and to increase promotions of the Guidant <br />John Rose Minnesota OVAL <br />3. Renovate Banquet Facility Kitchen $ 25,000 <br />• The renovation would move the walk-in cooler to the existing storage space next to <br />the kitchen for easier caterer access in one room. It would be more convenient for <br />the caterers and less disruptive for the users. <br />• Current kitchen to meet caterers' expectations and to handle larger groups of visitors <br />4. Replace OVAL Tarmac — Training Track <br />• Mill and blacktop perimeter of OVAL <br />Eliminate cracks and potholes and create a smooth training surface <br />$ 105,000 <br />5. Sound System Upgrade $ 55,000 <br />• Upgrade aging sound system to allow an "All-Call" for safety, control and monitoring <br />• Improve communications throughout facility while minimizing sound levels in <br />adjacent neighborhood <br />6. Replace Skate Park OVAL Equipment $ 50,000 <br />• Replace outdated wood equipment with new, weather resistant pieces <br />• Eliminate potential structural failures <br />7. Install Gas Heating and Snow Melt Pit at OVAL $ 85,000 <br />• Create melting and heating area to increase efficiency when removing or cleaning <br />ice <br />• Minimize the need to operate heavy equipment while participants are using the <br />OVAL <br />8. Furnish Carpet in Olympic Room <br />• Carpet is nearing the end of its useful life <br />9. Geothermal Related Items for Facility <br />• If money remains from value engineering efforts <br />Total <br />$ 30,000 <br />� <br />$ 600,000 <br />Generic GO Bond Proceeds 41 Ver-6/26/08 <br />Grant Agreement for Construction Grants (Gnrc GO GA-Cnstrctn Grnt) <br />