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Attachment A <br />/ :i ; ; �:, •. � ; Y ; : ; 1 � ;� 1; �; ! •, • , <br />Tl�is is an Addenduzn tn the GROi3IlD LEA.SE9 DEVELOPNIEI�I'�' A.ND USE <br />AGI�EEIO�I�NT ("A�-eei��e��t"} dated Deceinher 5, 2000, by and between the C�'�"Y ��' <br />R�S�VII,I,E, a Miru�esota 1��tulici�aal co�pa�•alio�a ("Lessar" ar "City'j, az�d �iVILDI�I�� <br />R�k�A���.,�.TA'�'�OI� C`E�i'�"��t �F IViII�tI�ESO'�"�, a N�i�inesata noi�-profit corpar�tion <br />{"Tenant"} <br />WHE���, the Lease betwee�l Landlord azxd Tezaa�at contaia�ed terins a�7d condatio��s <br />regarding tlle tlse aaad occ�patioil of a�oriion of LandlarcE's Central Park for the co��struetia�l a��d <br />aperation of a iaeility as a i�ot for profit wildlif� veterinary llospital a��d a nat for pzafit put�lic <br />edttcatioa� center operated exclusively by Te�a.azat, and; <br />W�-IEREAS, LazadIord and Te��ai�t a�ow clesire to cla�-ify and/or cha�lgc fhe terms of tlle <br />Lease re�;arding tl�e description of the ar�a beii�g leased and tlae ttse a��d �2-�aii�tenaf�ce of con�non <br />arcas incl�ding driveway ax�d parl�ing loi ar�as. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, for gaod a��d val�xal�le cailsidcration tIle receipt a��d su£ficie�lcy <br />of wf�ich are l�ereby ac�.�aawledged, it is agreed as folIows: <br />Builctin� Si�e Pad. The legal deseriptiol� of tk�e par�C az-ea ta be lea�ed foz- tl�e <br />Uuilding site pad is hereby ���odified as described on EXHIBIT A atfacll�d hereto. <br />2. Site Access a��d Parking. Coz�ct�rre��t wiili tl�� Lease, Tenant shall have <br />appurte�iai�t t�on-exclusive easemei�ts �or access and utilities over, ul7der and/ar across <br />Landlord's park praperty as showi� on the site �lai1 attac%�d hereta as EXH�BTT A and le�aIly <br />described oa7 EXHIBIT B attached %ereta. <br />g�si� <br />