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says that any person who enters the U.S and has been invol�ed with recruiting chiid soldiers can <br />be prosecuted. lifound guil��r tl�ey can be jailed for up to twenty years, or up to a life in prison if <br />their action resulted in che child's dearh. <br />The Hurnan Rights Watch has a�ready put a lot af ir�forn�arion out stating r�at people <br />need �o stop using chiid saldiers sa that n�ore people are aware of this issue. The U.S. Ca�iipaig�n <br />to Stop the Use of Child Solc�iers is niade �ip of more r3ian sixty U.S. Organizations. They are <br />campaigning for U.S. ra�if ca�ion of'tl�e Opt�oi�al Protocol to the Co��ventio� on the R.igh�s of the <br />Child. T�is con�rention is trying to stop the �se of child soldiers. <br />There are some things t}iat we can do to �elp. We can write to the Presidei�t of �l�e U.S. <br />because he has co►�nectio��s zo otller countries. The President can iell ather governments tl�at <br />using child soldiers is wrong l�eca�ise it is �iolation tl�e c�ild's hu�nan rights. �--Ie can tell the <br />g•overnmer�ts t�iat it sl�ould i�e agai�ist t�ie 1aw i� tlierr coun�ties to force cl�ildren ro be soldiers. <br />We can atso lieip to stop the use of cl�ild soldiers by giving money or helping support the <br />Optiona] Proeocol to t��e Convention on the Rights af the Chi�d. Another arganizar�on we couId <br />give nioney to is Huma�i �.iglirs Watch becat2se they are a ma�n group that is wazc�iing this <br />prabiem. We ca�i also join the Human Rights Watch Cliildren's Action Network. We need to <br />crea�e aware�less so we 17eed ta tell the media and neivspapers that tliey need to write about <br />people in orher cauntries using irii�oce�lt clu�dren as soldiers. �'inally, people need to know that <br />majar hvman rights documents don't say anything about ehildren and tl�eir rights. We should <br />make sure that major human rigl�ts docu�lents have mare information about cl�ildren's }�uman <br />rights. Ifwe c�o these t��i�igs tlien we can lielp to stop tl�e use of cliild soldiers. <br />These innocent children sl�ould stop �eing used as soldiers. It should be an internationa� <br />