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bond by any inserted dollar amount unless he/she has consented, in writing, to such <br />amount. If no dollar amount is inserted and the blank "Not Applicable" is not checked, a <br />rebuttable presumption that the Ownership Value is $0.00 shall be created. (The blank <br />"Not Applicable " should only be selected and checked when a portion of the funds <br />delineated in Attachment III attached hereto are to be used to acquire the Public Entity's <br />ownership interest in the Real Property and, if applicable, Facility, and in such event the <br />value of such ownership interest should be shown in Attachment III and not in this <br />definition for Ownership T�alue). <br />"Project" - means the Public Entity's acquisition, if applicable, of the ownership <br />interests in the Real Property and, if applicable, Facility denoted in Section 2.02 along with <br />the performance of activities denoted in Section 2.03 herein. (If the Public Entity is not <br />using any portion of the Grant to acquire the ownership interest denoted in Section 2.02, <br />then this defznition for Project shall not include the acquisition of such ownership interest, <br />and the value of such ownership interest shall not be included in Attachment III hereto <br />and instead shall be included in the definition for Ownership T�alue under this Section <br />1. 01.) <br />"Public Entity" - means the entity identified as the "Public Entity" in the lead-in <br />paragraph of this Agreement. <br />"Real Property" - means the real property located in the County of Ramsey, State of <br />Minnesota, legally described in Attachment II to this Agreement. <br />"Real Property/Facility Lease" - means a long term lease of the Real Property, the <br />Facility, if applicable, or both by the Public Entity as lessee thereunder. This definition is <br />only needed and only applies if the Public Entity's ownership interest in the Real Property, <br />the Facility, if applicable, or both is a leasehold interest under a lease. For all other <br />circumstances this definition is not needed and should be ignored and treated as i were <br />left blank, and anv r'eference to this term in this A�eement shall be ignored and treated as <br />if the reference did not exist. <br />"State Entity" - means the entity identified as the "State Entity" in the lead-in <br />paragraph of this Agreement. <br />"Subsequent Betterment Costs" — means the costs of betterments of the Real Property <br />and, if applicable, Facility that occur subsequent to the date of this Agreement, are not part <br />of the Proj ect, would qualify as a public improvement of a capital nature (as such term in <br />used in Minn. Constitution Art. XI, §5(a) of the Minnesota Constitution), and the cost of <br />which has been established by way of written documentation that is acceptable to and <br />approved, in writing, by the State Entity and the Commissioner. <br />"Use Contract" - means a lease, management contract or other similar contract <br />between the Public Entity and any other entity that involves or relates to any part of the <br />Real Property and/or, if applicable, Facility. This definition is only needed and only <br />applies if the Public Entity enters into an agr�eement with another party under which such <br />other party will operate the Real Property and/or, if applicable, Facility. For all other <br />Generic GO Bond Proceeds J Ver-6/26/08 <br />Grant Agreement for Construction Grants (Gnrc GO GA-Cnstrctn Grnt) <br />