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the amount of the Outstanding Balance of the Grant then all of such net proceeds shall be <br />distributed to the Commissioner. <br />B. The remaining portion, after the distribution specified in Section 4.02.A, shall <br />be distributed to pay in full any outstanding Approved Debt in the order of priority of such <br />debt. <br />C. The remaining portion, after the distributions specified in Sections 4.02A and <br />B, shall be distributed to (i) reimburse the Public Entity for its Ownership Value, and (ii) to <br />pay interested public and private entities, other than any such entity that has already <br />received the full amount of its contribution, the amount of money that such entity <br />contributed to the Initial Acquisition and Betterment Costs and the Subsequent Betterment <br />Costs. If such remaining portion is not sufficient to reimburse interested public and private <br />entities for the full amount that such entities contributed to the acquisition or betterment of <br />the Real Property and, if applicable, Facility, then the amount available shall be distributed <br />as such entities may agree in writing. <br />D. The remaining portion, after the distributions specified in Sections 4.02.A, B <br />and C, shall be divided and distributed to the State Entity and the Public Entity in <br />proportion to the contributions that the State Entity and the Public Entity made to the <br />acquisition and betterment of the Real Property and, if applicable, Facility as such amounts <br />are part of the Ownership Value, Initial Acquisition and Betterment Costs, and Subsequent <br />Betterment Costs. <br />The distribution to the State Entity shall be made to the Commissioner, and the Public <br />Entity may direct its distribution to be made any other entity including, but not limited to, a <br />Counterparty. <br />All amounts to be disbursed under this Section 4.02 must be consented to, in writing, by <br />the Commissioner, and no such disbursements shall be made without such consent. <br />The Public Entity shall not be required to pay or reimburse the State Entity or the <br />Commissioner for any funds above and beyond the full net proceeds of such sale, even if such <br />net proceeds are less than the amount of the Outstanding Balance of the Grant. <br />Article V <br />COMPLIANCE WITH G.O. COMPLIANCE LEGISLATION <br />AND THE COMMISSIONER'S ORDER <br />Section 5.01 State Bond Financed Property. The Public Entity and the State Entity <br />acknowledge and agree that the Public Entity's interest in the Real Property and, if applicable, <br />Facility is, or when acquired by the Public Entity will be, "state bond financed property", as such <br />term is used in the G.O. Compliance Legislation and the Commissioner's Order, and, therefore, <br />the provisions contained in such statute and order apply, or will apply, to the Public Entity's <br />interest in the Real Property and, if applicable, Facility and any Use Contracts relating thereto. <br />Generic GO Bond Proceeds 19 Ver-6/26/08 <br />Grant Agreement for Construction Grants (Gnrc GO GA-Cnstrctn Grnt) <br />