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prior requests for an Advance shall not exceed the amount of the Grant delineated in <br />Section 1.01. <br />B. The State Entity shall have received a duly executed Declaration that has been <br />duly recorded in the appropriate governmental office, with all of the recording information <br />displayed thereon. <br />C. The State Entity shall have received evidence, in form and substance acceptable <br />to the State Entity, that (i) the Public Entity has legal authority to and has taken all actions <br />necessary to enter into this Agreement and the Declaration, and (ii) this Agreement and the <br />Declaration are binding on and enforceable against the Public Entity. <br />D. The State Entity shall have received evidence, in form and substance acceptable <br />to the State Entity, that the Public Entity has sufficient funds to fully and completely pay <br />for the Project and all other expenses that may occur in conjunction therewith. <br />E. The State Entity shall have received evidence, in form and substance acceptable <br />to the State Entity, that the Public Entity is in compliance with the matching funds <br />requirements, if any, contained in Section 7.23. <br />F. The State Entity shall have received evidence, in form and substance acceptable <br />to the State Entity, showing that the Public Entity possesses the ownership interest <br />delineated in Section 2.02. <br />G. The State Entity shall have received evidence, in form and substance acceptable <br />to the State Entity, that the Real Property and, if applicable, Facility, and the contemplated <br />use thereof are permitted by and will comply with all applicable use or other restrictions <br />and requirements imposed by applicable zoning ordinances or regulations, and, if required <br />by law, have been duly approved by the applicable municipal or governmental authorities <br />having jurisdiction thereover. <br />H. The State Entity shall have received evidence, in form and substance acceptable <br />to the State Entity, that that all applicable and required building permits, other permits, <br />bonds and licenses necessary for the Project have been paid for, issued, and obtained, other <br />than those permits, bonds and licenses which may not lawfully be obtained until a future <br />date or those permits, bonds and licenses which in the ordinary course of business would <br />normally not be obtained until a later date. <br />I. The State Entity shall have received evidence, in form and substance acceptable <br />to the State Entity, that that all applicable and required permits, bonds and licenses <br />necessary for the operation of the Real Property and, if applicable, Facility in the manner <br />specified in Section 2.04 have been paid for, issued, and obtained, other than those permits, <br />bonds and licenses which may not lawfully be obtained until a future date or those permits, <br />bonds and licenses which in the ordinary course of business would normally not be <br />obtained until a later date. <br />Generic GO Bond Proceeds 23 Ver — 6/26/08 <br />Grant Agreement for Construction Grants (Gnrc GO GA-Cnstrctn Grnt) <br />