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The reduction in staif wauld not in of itseIf eliminate the accaunts receivable, purchase orders, <br />and receptionist duties. The City would have to change its accounting and purchasing polic�es to <br />no longer require purchase orders and to no longer track whether billed accounts were actually <br />paid on an on-going basis. Instead, salaried individuals would have to absorb Chese functions as <br />part af t�eir yeat=�end c�osing duties: fihis w�utd weaken the City's internal controls�, and delay <br />the collection of unpaid accouilts which would subsequently result in less interest earnings. <br />In addition, the City eot�ld no lon�ge�r hause an individual at the rece�tion desk full-time. This <br />would necessitate a change in how �he CiCy receives in-bound phone caIls and may require <br />individuals to walk down to ihe finance area to receive a rec�eipt. It rnay also require greater <br />directional signage in the main lobby area: Finally, it cauld have an impact ot� thase departments <br />that l�ave service counters near� the Iobby as custoxners see�k assistanee in �ir�d�ng various <br />locations vvithin the building or seek answers to general inqui�ies. <br />Final Comments . <br />While the budget reduction5 c��scribed above are relatively small, the cuts could jeoparc�ize the <br />Department'� ability �o generat� revenues not only to support the Finance Department, but oiher <br />departments as well, <br />In addition, the City needs to be mindful of the cumulative effects of staffing reducCions and <br />reduced sk�llsets. The Finance Division has steadily reduced its workforce and downgraded its <br />p�ofessional requirements since the late 1980's. At its staffing highpoint, the Division had 10 <br />F�'E's, whereas taday we have 7. In 2002 the Finance Division had S employees; 7 of which <br />were professional level, 4-year degree required positions: Taday, Che Division has 7 employees, <br />only 3 of which are aE a professional �evel. Personnel changes since 2002 include: <br />•t• Elirninated a fiull-time Accouniant position <br />�:• Downgraded the Accounting Supervisor position to an Accountant �osi�ion <br />❖�7owi�gr�aded a professioilal-l�vel p�sition (Payroll} to a tecl��nician level <br />:� Downgracled a prafessional-level position (Accounts Payabl�} to a iecl�nician level <br />:• Downgraded a professional-level posiiion (Utility Billing} to a tec�iriician leve� <br />These staffing changes are unprecedented compared to other City Departn�ents. And whtle <br />they've produced significant on-going savings, it has left the Division with diminished skillsets <br />and capabilifies. <br />In the past decade, the �'inance/Accounting Division has eliminated or reduced a nurnber of tasks <br />and respansi�ilitics to accommodate tlze�e staf�ng ckanges. Som� of t�hose tasks include: <br />•: Reduced internal audits of City p�zrchases and payroll ti�nekeeping <br />�i• Reduced ernphasis on managitlg the City's investment portfolio <br />•:• Elimination of monthly financEal reporting to City Departments <br />•:• Elim.ination of i�on�payment utility billiilg ren�inders <br />•:• Elimination of on-site audits of lawful gambling operations <br />�:• Elirnination of quarterly financial reports relatied t� the City's lawfu] gambling <br />operations <br />Absent staffing increases i� is unlikely that the�se tas�s could be� reinstixuted. <br />4 <br />