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"Commissioner's Order" - means that certain "Order Amending Order of the <br />Commissioner of Finance Relating to Use and Sale of State Bond Financed Property" <br />executed by the then Commissioner of Finance on July 20, 1995. <br />"Completion Date" — means December 31, 2012 or the date of projected completion <br />of the Project, whichever is earlier. <br />"Contractor" - means any person engaged to work on or to furnish materials and <br />supplies for the Construction Items including, if applicable, a general contractor. <br />"Construction Contract Documents" - means the document or documents, in form <br />and substance acceptable to the State Entity, including but not limited to any construction <br />plans and specifications and any exhibits, amendments, change orders, modifications <br />thereof or supplements thereto, which collectively form the contract between the Public <br />Entity and the Contractor or Contractors for the completion of the Construction Items on or <br />before the Completion Date for either a fixed price or a guaranteed maximum price. <br />"Construction Items" — means the work to be performed under the Construction <br />Contract Documents. <br />"Counterparty" - means any entity with which the Public Entity contracts under a Use <br />Contract. This definition is only needed and only applies if the Public Entity enters into an <br />agr�eement with another party under which such other party will operate the Real Property, <br />and if applicable, Facility. For all other circumstances this definition is not needed and <br />should be ignored and treated as i were le�t blank, and anv r'eference to this term in this <br />Agr�eement shall be i�nored and treated as if the reference did not exist. <br />"Declaration" - means a declaration, or declarations, in the form contained in <br />Attachment I to this Agreement and all amendments thereto, indicating that the Public <br />Entity's interest in the Real Property and, if applicable, Facility is bond financed property <br />within the meaning of the G.O. Compliance Legislation and is subject to certain <br />restrictions imposed thereby. <br />"Payment Request" - means a payment request that the Public Entity, or its designee, <br />submits to the State Entity when a Disbursement is requested, as referred to in Section <br />6.02. <br />"Event of Default" - means one or more of those events delineated in Section 2.07. <br />"Facility", if applicable, - means Not A�plicable, which is located, or will be <br />constructed and located, on the Real Property and all equipment that is a part thereof that <br />was purchased with the proceeds of the Program Grant. <br />"Fair Market Value" — means either (i) the price that would be paid by a willing and <br />qualified buyer to a willing and qualified seller as determined by an appraisal that assumes <br />that all liens and encumbrances on the property being sold that negatively affect the value <br />of such property, will be paid and released, or (ii) the price bid by a purchaser under a <br />Generic GO Bond Proceeds 3 Ver — 8/20/08 <br />Grant Agreement for ProgramConstruction Grants (Gnrc GO GA-Prgrm Cnstrctn Grnt) <br />RDGP-08-0029-o-FY09 <br />