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entire staff to heZp maintain the amazing system we have and look for ways to make it even <br />better. <br />Tn addz�ion, I am very interested in finding ways to further serve the Roseville <br />cornmunity. I see this comm�ssion as an eKCellent way to help peopTe aeross the city. <br />What is yaur view of the role of this Cammission/ Committee/Task Force?: The commission <br />serves tio make the Parks and Recreation system responsive to the needs and wants of <br />Roseville residents while working to create long-term plans to strengthen the syst�m. The <br />Commission serves to assis� the Parks and Recrea�ion staff by workzng on committees, <br />providing direct cammunication with city residents, and providing recammendatzans on Pa.rks <br />and Recreation wor�. One of the great challenges that will face all city governments in <br />the next several years is a funding crisis. ��now that the commission members will need <br />�o work hard to find ways �o �eep the system strong while s�ruggling with l�mited <br />resources. <br />Any further information you wauld li�e the City Council to consider or tha� you feeT is <br />rel�vant to the appointment you are seeking.: Since maving back to Roseville �n 2004 we <br />have had regular involvemen.t in Parks and Recreation activities. I purposefully came back <br />to live in Roseville with my family because I value the community we have. I would be <br />hono�ed to serve Rosevi�ze as a member of th.e Parks and R�creation Commission. <br />I understand that aTl information pravided in this application, except my telephone <br />numbez, fax number and email address, may be distributed by �he City to the public <br />inc�uding, but not limited to; being pos�ed on the City of Roseville website. I agzee �o <br />waive any and all claims under the Minnesota Government �ata Practices Act; or any other <br />applzcable state and federal law, that in any way related to the dissemination �o the <br />pu�lic of informatiion contained in this application that would be classified as priva�e <br />under such laws. I understand that I may contact the responszble authori�y for the Czty of <br />Roseville if T have any questions regarding the public or private nature of the <br />informatian provided.: Yes <br />x�nderstand that the City will no� publish my phone o� fax numhers or email address <br />without my authorization and do hereby aTlow the City to publish (check all that apply).: <br />Home telephone numher, Home email address <br />Daytime Phone: <br />Evenzng Phane; 651-765-6364 <br />Cell Phone: <br />Hom.e Phone (if different): <br />Wark Phone (zf different}: <br />Hame Fax: <br />work Fax: <br />Home Email: jason.e�� <br />work Emai1: <br />Student Application: No <br />If yes, pZeas� �ist your gr�de: <br />May we contact you using your wor� email or f�x?: Yes <br />I have read and understand the statemen�s on this farm, and � hereby swear oz affirm t�at <br />the statemen�s on Chis form are true. :�es <br />E <br />