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Margaret Driscoll <br />�nmi uim�nn�m�.nrinm i n mi� <br />�rom: <br />5ent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 4:39 PM <br />70: Caralyn Curti; Marga.ret D�iscall <br />Suhject: Online Fo�m Submittaf: Commission Application <br />The following form was submitter3 via your website: Co�nmission App]�icata�on <br />Flease check commission applying for: Pazks and Recreation Commzssion <br />If other, please list name: <br />Name:: Brent Huherty <br />Address:: 9D0 Grandview Ave. Tnf. <br />City, State, Zip: Rosevzlle, Mt�T 55�13 <br />Work Experience: Eleven years as a pharmaceutiaal and medical devace micro�iolagist, t�-ie <br />last 4 of which with St. Jude Medical in Little Canada. <br />Educatio�:: B.S. iri Microksiology from the iJniversity af Mznneso�a <br />Civic and Voluntee� Activitzes {Past and Present}:: Tutoring elementary age children <br />through a YMCA program at Lit��e Canada El.ementary. <br />Please state your reasons for wantzng to serve on til�e Commission/C'ammittea/Task Farce:: As <br />a lifelong residen� of Roseville, I have an interest in the p�rk system as it promotes <br />healthy individuals, healthy families, and therefare, a more health community. <br />What is your view of th� role of this Commission/ Cammittee/Task Farce?: To advise the <br />Parks & Rec Director. <br />Any further informatian you would like the City Council to consider ar that. yotz feel is <br />rel�vant ta the appointment you are seeking.: <br />I understand that all information pravidec� in this application, except my telephone <br />n�mber, fax number and einail address, may be distributed by the City to the public <br />including; but not limited to; being post�d on the City of Roseville �vebsite. I agree to <br />waive any and all claims under the Minnesota Goveznmerit Da.ta Practices Act, or any other <br />applicabl� state and federal la�r, �hat in any way rela�e.d to the clissemination to the <br />public af information contained in th�s application that would be classified as private <br />under such laws. I uncierstand that I may cantact the responsible authority for the City of <br />Roseville if T have any ques�ions regarding the public or priva�e nature of the <br />information provided.: Yes <br />I unders�and that the �ity �rill no� publish my phone or fax numbers or email address <br />witl-}.out my authorizatiori and c3o hereby al�ow the City to publish (check all tl-�at apply) .: <br />I-Iame email address <br />Daytime Phone: <br />Eve�iing Phon� ; <br />Cell Phane: <br />iiame PY�one (if different) : <br />Work Phone {if ditferent): <br />I-iome Fax : <br />�ork Fax: <br />1 <br />