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���;� � �` ���� � <br />Margaret Driscoll ` <br />��n��c��i��nn�n�no�mnnmm�m�ie��m�n �n� <br />From: <br />Se�t: Friday, February 27, 20�9 11;04 AM <br />To: Carolyn Curti; Margaret Driscoll <br />Subj�ct: Online Form Subrr�ittai: Commission Application <br />The fol]�owing form was subtnitted via your website: Commission Application <br />Please che�k commission applying for: Parks and Recreati.on Cammission <br />If other, please list name: <br />Name:: Mary Holt <br />Address:: 1880 Alta Vista Drive <br />City, St.ate, Zip; Roseville, MN 55113 <br />work Experience: I have been a ph�sical thera�ist for 25 years, the last e af which have <br />been part-time in the Roseville Schoal na.stract. <br />Education:: 5 yr. BS from tihe College af St. Scholastica with a physical therapy degree <br />Civic and Volunteer Activities (Past and Present):: Served an a citizen's cominittee for <br />Res�r�oir Woods under Bob Sierscheid. Chaired concessions for travel�,ng boy's basketball <br />far 5 years. PTA secretary for 2 years. Sex-�red on Children's Ministry committee for 4 <br />years. <br />Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Commission/Committiee/Task �'arce:: I <br />have wanted ta be more involved with having input to Roseville's growth as a city, �nd my <br />main area of interest is in the area of promoting Yzea.lthy living. I love the <br />opportunities th.e city offers at this time far outdoor recre.atian and would �i]'ce. to see <br />pasitive changes made for the use of indaor space. <br />What is yaur view of' the raYe of this C�mmisszon/ Committee/Task Force?: The rol.e of �he. <br />committee includes having a well-rounded group o� citizens that can give coinmunity input <br />and perspective �o �he decision making parties in Roseville. 'Z'he persons on this committee <br />mus� have time and be willing to work on pro�ec�s that arise. <br />Any �urther infarma�.ion you would like the City Council to cansid�r or that you feeZ is <br />relevan�. to the appointment you are seaking.: Having raised 3 sans in Ros�vYlle, our <br />�amily �-ias lived the life of enjo�ing the Parks and Recreation programs a�rass many <br />spectrums, in.clusive af baseball, tennis, running, basketball, footba}�1, and of having <br />great si�es for wal.king tha dog or strolling araund a lake. I wauld like to see itoseville <br />rnaintain and graw the programs so that a11 citizens can live a healthy lifestyle with the <br />facilitiies and space to do sa right in their osvn backyard. <br />I understand that all information pravidecl in this applicatian, except rny telepY�or�e <br />number, fax number and email address, may be distributed by the Ci�y to the public <br />including, }�ut nat �.imited to, being posted on the City of Roseville we3�site. I ag�ee ta <br />waive any and all claims under the Minnesot.a �overnmen� Data Practices Act, or any other <br />applica3�le state and �ederal law, that in any way rel.ated to th� dissemination to the <br />public o� in�ormatian contained in this applica�iori that wauld be classifaed as private <br />�er such laws: I understand that I may contact the responsible authority for the Ci�y of <br />Rosevil�e if I�ave an�r questions rer�arding the public ar privat� nature of the <br />information provided.: Yes <br />I understand that the Ci�y will not publish my phone or fax nurnbers or email address <br />i+��out my authoriz.ation and do hereby allow the City to publish (check all t1�.at apply}.: <br />riot checiced <br />Daytime �hone: <br />1 <br />