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Mar aret Drisaol! ��� � � �� �� <br />�rom: <br />Sent: Thursday, Fe.bruary 26, 2009 8:21 PM <br />Tos Carolyn Curti; Marga.ret Driscoll <br />Subject: Onfine Form Su�mittal: Corr�rr�ission Application <br />'i'he �ollowing farm was submitted via youx websi�e: Commission Applicatian <br />Please check commiss�on applyitag for: Parks and l�ecreation Commission, Public Works, <br />Erivironment and Transportation Commission <br />If othex, p].ease list name: <br />Name:: Jeff M. Baldt <br />Address:: 1900 Lexington Ave 1V. #9 <br />City, 5tate., Zipi Roseville, P9.V 55113 <br />Work Experience: State of Minnesota <br />Department of Veterans Affairs,2006 to present.. Buyer 1 <br />Department of Commeree, 2003 <br />to 2006, Accoun�.ing Technic�.an <br />Depar�ment af Trac7.e & Economic Development,1998 ° 2003 Accotxn�ing Clerk/Technician. <br />Office of Secretary of State,1995-1998,Office Admin.Specialist. <br />Department af Trade&Economic Development,1992-1995,Clerk/Typist 1 <br />Education:: High School Diploma - St. Paul Washington <br />College: Century CoTlege, White Bear Lake, Mn. Business, compute� classes, <br />St. Paul College, St. Paul, Mn. Accounting courses <br />CiVic and Volunteer ActiviCies (Past and Present):: 3M PGA Senior Golf Tournamen�, 2002 <br />-2008 v'o�unte�r <br />wCi�A Men's College Hockey HospitaTi�y Committee volunteer,yearly since 2404. <br />NCAA Regional I�lens Hockey and Bas34etball yolunteer 2d01-2003 <br />Minnesota Stat� Government contract committees for copiers/office machines; conference <br />planning; <br />NII�T Nat� Government Insititute ot Pilrchasing member. <br />Please st�te yaur reasons for wan�ing ta serve on the Commission/Commit�ee/Task Force:: <br />Involvement in community, interes� in pu�lic affairs ancl ongoing projects. <br />Bririg citizen skil,ls to areas of interest. <br />ge a pro-active citizen ta help make city and community better. <br />Interest in being involved and infortned citazen of Roseville. <br />what is your vieta of the rol'e of this Cammission/ Committee/Task Force?: To help serve the <br />city and council in �roviding info�ma�ion and making decisions. <br />Providing input that can be used in community projec�.s or a�.her areas t� help Roseville <br />citizens and city council� <br />Any fur�her znformation you would like the City Catincil �o consider or that you feel �s <br />zelevant to tihe appointment you are seeking.: Active cztizen who enj:oys the wonderful <br />parks in Roseville ancl surrounding areas. <br />Experience in State Government wor]c coulci be helpful in �hese areas; experience with <br />7�ccounting, Purchasing, Office Administrative work and customer service, <br />I understand that a17. information provided in �:his application, except my telephone <br />number, fax numl�er and einail address, may be distributed by �he Ci�y to the public <br />including, but not limited to, being posted �n the City of Roseville website. I agree to <br />waive any and a11 c�aims Ltnder the Minneso�.a Government Data Practices Act, or any other <br />applicab3.e sta�e and federal law, tl�at in any way r�]�ated to �he dissemination to the <br />public of information contained in this applicatioiZ that would be classified as pritrate <br />under such 1aws, z understand that r may contac� the responsible autharity �or the City of <br />1 <br />