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��� <br />Margaret Driscoll <br />� I�AII �- <br />From:. <br />Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 8:36 AM <br />To: Caralyn Curti; Margaret Driscoll <br />Subject: Online Form SubmittaL Commission Applicatian <br />Tl�e following form wa5 submitted via your website: Commission Appl.ication <br />P7:ease check commission applying for: Public works, Environment an�: Transportation <br />Co[nmi s sion <br />If other, please list name: <br />Name:: Steve Gjerdingen <br />Acldress:: 2553 Fisk Street <br />City, State, Zip: Roseville, MN 55113 <br />Work Experience: �7an 2008 - Present: Workecl as an employee of Par�o Inc. an IT <br />corstracting firm. Ciirrent�y sta�.ioned at ivorth+,restern College daing he1.p desk and desktop <br />suppart. <br />June 2006 - Decemher 2007: Work�d as an independen� contractor for Pareo Inc. an IT <br />contracting firm. Stationed at Northwestern College most of the. time, doing help desk and <br />desktop support. <br />�ducation:: 2003-2006: S,A. in Psychology frarn Sethel University <br />Civic and Volun�.eer Act.ivities (Past and Present):: I haven't dane a lat of arganized <br />volunteer work, but I've done some side activities here and there. For example; �he othe� <br />day thaugh i shove].led the path from my house to Central Parl� tha� the city didn't get <br />around to daing. Last summer I helped someone move who I didn't know very well, but they <br />were poor and needed assistance. <br />L.ately, I have been attending a lot af inee�ings regarding city prajects, both in Roseville <br />and in other ci�ies like St. Paul and Minneapolis. Most of these meet.ings Y�ave be.en to <br />advocate for non-motorized transpartation in various co�ridors. <br />Please state your reasans for wanting to serve on the Cammission/Committee/�ask Force:: I <br />want to serve on �he transpor�a�ion commi�tee becau.5e Rosevzlle needs to have a greater <br />vzsion when it comes to transportatian ne�ds here, particularly in the non-motarized <br />realm. Bicyclists and pedestrians need greater support 2n this cit�r. Roseville also <br />needs to coizsider better connectiv�ty of raadways for a11 users {including automabiles}. <br />Currently; there are certain pockets o£ RoseYrille that are hard to rr�ova aroune3 in, wheC.her <br />yau are in a car or an a bike. Alsa, pulic transit needs to be improved within this city. <br />Whi7.e my primary focus is in tran5portation, I feel that I could contr�bu�e towards other <br />tl�ings that this committee discusses. <br />I have an interest in wha� gets changed here, what happens to p�aces like Har Mar mal1, <br />our parks, etc. <br />What is yaur view of the rol� of �his Cammission/ Committee/'I`ask Force?: I believe this <br />commi�tee's primary gaaT is to determine wha� is best for this city in the areas of public <br />warks, environment and trans�ortation. Hearin.g from the public zs impartant as ultimatel}r <br />they are the ones who de�ermine wha�. happens here, as they should be. At the same time, <br />the focus needs to be ari all areas af Roseville and they way the city tunctions within the <br />metropolitan a.rea. One can't be too narrowly focused on one segment of a community, but <br />likewise �hey segments need �.o be heard out. <br />Any further information you would iike the City Council ta cansader or tha�. you feel as <br />relevant to the appointmen� you are seeking.: I have a strong interest in helping <br />Raseville bacome a more desirable city tor everyone to �ive in, z feel that tliis city <br />