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Margaret Driscol� ��� �'� <br />I���IIIII��II A1 ,AI� <br />From: <br />Sent:. Monday, February 23, 2009 9:55 AM <br />To: Carolyn Curti; Margare# �riscoll <br />5ubjeet: Online Form Submitiai: Commission Application <br />The �ollowing form was submztted via your website: Commissi.on Ap�lication <br />Please check commission applying for: Human Rights Commission, Planning Cornmission <br />If other, please list name: <br />Name:: Keith Miller <br />Address;: 2918 Asbury S� <br />City, 5tate, Zip; Rasevzlle, I+�IlV 55113 <br />Work Experience: E-Marketing Specialis� at Be� <br />Marketing Specialist at World Data Products <br />Educa�ion:: B.A. Computer Infprmation Sys�ems; Universzty of St. Thomas, St. Paul <br />B.A. General Business Management, University of St. Thomas, 5�. Pau1 <br />Civic and Volunteer Activities (Past and Present}:: ly�thers Against Drunk Driving, <br />Various churches I have been a member af throughaut my life. <br />Please state youY� reason.s �or wanting to serve on the Camma.ssion/Committee/Task �'orce:: I <br />teel compelled to serve tlze city of Roseville because I have lived her� for almost 5 <br />years. � am under 30 years of age and feel I could give a great perspective or at least <br />learn what it takes to help in the �uture. <br />What is your view o� the role o� this Commission/ Committee/Task Force?: T arn new to civic <br />duty but I feeZ the role of these positions is to deterniine how �o �est meet the numerous <br />needs and demands for public services throughou� the community. One must cornpl� with stat� <br />and federal mandates while trying to rninimize t.�e finaracial impact on the ci�y. <br />Any further information yau w�t11d like the Gity Council to consider or tlhat you feel is <br />re�evan� to thE appointment you are seelcing.: <br />� understand that all informatian provid�c3 in this application, except my telephcsne <br />number, fax nutt�ber and err�ail address, may he distri}�u�ecl by the City to the public <br />incluc��ng, but not limited to, being posted on the City of Roseville webszte. I agree to <br />waive any and aZl claims under the Minnesota Government Data Prac�i�es Act, or any other <br />applicable sta�e and federa3. law, that in any way related to the dissemination to the <br />public af information contained in �his application t.hat would be classified as p�ivate <br />under siich laws. I understand that i may contact the responsible authority foz �he City of <br />Roseville if I have any questions regarding the public ar private na�ure of the <br />zn�ormatian provided.: Yes <br />I understand �ha� the City will not publish my phone or fax numf�ers or email address <br />without my authorization and do hereby allow the City ta publish (check all that applyf.: <br />not checl�ed <br />Daytim� Phone: <br />Evening Phone: <br />Cell Phane: <br />Home Phone (if dif�erent): <br />wor}� Phone {Yf different): <br />1 <br />