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Mar are# Driscoll =""- •� � < <br />�rom: <br />Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 2;30 PM <br />To: Carolyn Curti; Margaret DriscolE <br />Subject: Online Form Submittal: Gommission Applicatian <br />2he following form was submitted via your wekasite: Commission Application <br />Please check commission applying for: Planning Commission <br />If other, please ].ist name: <br />Name:: Gary Grefenberg <br />Address:: 91 Mid Oaks Lane <br />City, State; Zip: Raseville, NQ�T 55113 <br />Work Experience: twenty-one years as Executave Secretary af Minn�sota's Capitol Iarea and <br />Architectural Board <br />Legislative Aide Minnesota State Senate <br />Edu�a�ion:r B� in Philosophy, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul MN <br />MA in Teac�iing(MAT), St. Thomas IIniversi�y, St. Paul <br />Graduate work in American History <br />Civic and Volunteer Activ�ties (Pas� and Present)c: SY:. Patil Riverfront Corporation Soard <br />of Directors {1994-T998); <br />Roseville Election Judge (20ti2-present)� <br />Ac�ive in Roseville Comrnunity Vis�oning process and cochair of its Cdchair of its <br />Cammunity Life & Civic Engagement Subcommittee (2ob5); <br />Single Family Residential Lat Split 5tudy {2007);and <br />Steering Gommittee for the Comprehensive Plan L7pda�e (2007-20d8). <br />Please state your xeasons for warsting to serve on the Commission/Committee/'I'ask Force:: � <br />would �ik� to apply my wark and community experience to the Plarining Commissiar�, <br />especially now as it begins tcs cadi�y many of the Roseville 2025 goa]s and objectives into <br />zoning regulations, and to review, adopt, and apply relevant planning policies canta�ned <br />in the nes,+� Roseville Co[nprehensive Plan. <br />What is your view of the role of this Commi55zon/ Committee/Task Force?: Tp advise City <br />Cauncil and staff on a11 planning and zonang issues that co�e before the Commission for <br />its re�riew and recommendatian. <br />Any further information you would like the City Counci� �o consider or �hat you feel is <br />relevant to the appointmen�. you ar� s�eking.: "Roseville, as an inner-ring suburb, has the <br />opportunity to have the best af �ath world,uban aizd suburban. It can be an urbane and <br />comrnunity which vlues its existing suburban culture hut recognixes that change will <br />occur,and that our only real choice is whether to p3an or reacti to i�." I <br />wrote this in app�ying for the Planning Commissian a year ago, and remain convinced that <br />this goal is worth my efforts. I would only now add that Roseville shauld welcome the <br />change as well as plan for i�.. <br />� unders�and that all inforrnation provided in this applica�ion; eKCept my telephane <br />number, fax number ancl email address, may be distributed by the Czty �o the public <br />including, but not lirnited to; being postec� an the City of Roseville website, I agree to <br />wa�ve any and a11 claims under the Minnesota Gavernment Data Practices Act, or any other <br />applicable state and federal law, that in an� way related to th� dissemination to the <br />public of infarma�ion cantained in this appli�ation thaC woia�d be classified as pzi�rate <br />under such laws. I unders�and that I may contact the responsible autharity for the City of <br />Roseville if I have any ques�ions regarding the public or private nature of the <br />infarmation provided:: �es <br />