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��� .,. � �, <br />Margaret �riscall <br />� <br />From: suppor�@ci� <br />Sent: Friday, February 27, 24D9 2:57 PM <br />To: Carolyn Curti; Margaret Driscoll <br />Subjeet: Online Form Submittal: Commission Application <br />The following form was submitted via your website: Commission App�ication <br />Please check commission applying for: Human Rights Cammission <br />�� other, please list nam.e: <br />Name:: Gary Grefenberg <br />Address:: 91 Mid Oaks Lane <br />City, 5tate, Zip: Raseville, MN 55113 <br />work Experience: Please see Planning Commission application. <br />Education:: BA in Ph.ilosophy, St. Paul 5eminary; St. Pau1, Minnesota; <br />MA �.n Teaching, College of St. Thornas, St. �aul; <br />Gr�duate work in American History, Lini�rers�ty of Minneso�a <br />Civic and Volunteer Ac�iv��ies (Past and Prese.n�):: Civil Rights Worker in southern <br />Georgia under ehe auspices of the Sauthern Christian Leadership Conferen�e (summer af <br />1965}; <br />Act.ive in voter registration effozts aitne.d at minorl�y communities i.n N[innesata �ince <br />1972; <br />Member of Stop Racism Now, a Twin Cities community project (1973-1976; <br />Chazr of the Minnesota Cammrt�e� for Gay and Lesbian Rights {�980-1985), and cofaunder of <br />Gay Community Services of Minnesota {1975-1976) and the BFL Gay & L�sbian Caucus{1980; <br />Election Judge in Roseville for past six years; <br />Co-chair of the Community Lite & Czvic Engagement. Subcommittee of Ymagine lzoseville <br />(�006�; <br />Roseville S�.ngle Family Residential Lat Split Study (2007j; and <br />Steerang Comm.ittee for Upclating C.he Rasev'ille Comprehensive Plan 92007-20D8). <br />�lease state yaur reasons for wanting to se nre on the Cornmission/Comrnittee/Task Farce:: T <br />believe my community organizing experience will be an asset �o th.e Commission and �.he <br />community af Roseville: <br />What a.s your vi.ew of the role of this Commission/ Committiee/Task Force?: The Cnmm.ission <br />currently advises the Council and city staff ori issues aric�: polieies relating �.o Human <br />Rights. If the Commission's roie is broadened to include Diversity and Neighbarhoods I <br />believe my past experience in community organizing and more recent e��erience in <br />neighborhaod planning and diversity issues wauTd also be of bene�it. <br />Any further information you would like �he City Council �o consider or t�at you feel is <br />relevant �o the appointment you are seeking.: <br />I understand that alI information pravided in this application, except my telephone <br />nurr�er, fax numl�er and email adclress, may be distributed by the Ci�y �o �he public <br />including, but not limited to, being pasted on the City of Raseville website. � agree to <br />waive any and all claim5 under �he M�nnesata Governmen� Data Practices Act, or any other <br />applicable state and fe�leral, that in any way related to the dissemination to the <br />pubTic of informatian contained in this application that would be c7.assified as pri�vate <br />under such �aws. I underst�nd that I m�y contact the responsible autharity for the City of <br />i�osevi�le if I have any questions regarding the ptiblic or priva�e riature of the <br />information provided.: Yes <br />I understand that the Ci�y will nat publish my phone or fax nuinbers or email address <br />1 <br />