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Carolyn Curti <br />�„ �, „��.-. <br />�rom.: support@ci�icplus:com <br />Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:21 f'M <br />To: Carolyn Curti; Margaret Driscoll <br />Subject: Online Form Submittal: Cor►�i-nission Appl.i:cation <br />The following form was submitted via your website: Commission Application <br />Please c�ieck commission appIying for; Ht�man Rights Commissian <br />If other, please list name: <br />Name:: Peg Kennedy <br />Address:: 525 Heinel Drive <br />City, State, Zip: R6se�vilIe, MN 55113 <br />Work Experie��xce: C�ltural �ervices Manager -� Roseville Area Schools <br />Targeted Services, Youth Develope�nentlService Learning, Facilities & AquaEics Manager - Rasevill.e S'chooIs <br />Urban Youth Programs E�ctension Educator - CFniversity of �Vlrnnesota <br />NW Regional Drrector - Center for �educing R�ral ViolencE <br />Educatron:: M.Ed. PubIic Administration <br />M.Ed. Ad�lt �ducation <br />B.A. �'amily and Consumer Science, Fantily Ed�catioii <br />Civic and �olunteer Activities (Past and Present):: Northwest �'outh & Family Services - Board member <br />�mmet Williams� PTA <br />Suburban lZarnsey Fan�ily & Youtf� �c�ilaborative <br />Minnesota Care and Education Council <br />Minnesata Council for Violence Free Cariltnunities <br />PZease state your reasons far wanting to serv� an th.e Commission/Committee/Task �'orce:: Ta create a <br />welcon�ing community for new iYnmigrant and refugee families. <br />What is your view af the role of this Commission/ Committee/Task Force?: Look far ways to irnprove <br />community services and ouireach for diverse families <br />Any further inform.ation you would like the City Council to consider or that you feel is relevant �o the <br />appointrnent you are seeking.: <br />I understand that a11 int'ormation pravided in this application, except my telephone number, fax number and <br />email addr�ss; rxaay be dis�ri�iuted by the City tio the public includin�, but n�t �imited to; being posted on the <br />City of Raseville website. I a�ree to waive any and all claiins under the Minnesota Government Data Practices <br />