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i�;�:_� � :` � <br />Margaret Driscoll - <br />nm�no�mnmm � <br />From: support@ci� <br />Sent: Wednesday; February 11, 2009 9:17 PM <br />To: Caralyn Gurti; Margaret Driscoll <br />Subjec#: Online Forrn Submfttal: Comrr�issian Application <br />The follawang form was submitted via your website: Commissian Iapplication <br />Please check comm.ission app�ying for: Hum�n Rights Commission <br />If other, please list name: <br />Name:: �zz �aeger <br />Address:: 1307 W. Roselawn Ave. <br />C�ty, State, Z2p: Roseville, MN 55113 <br />WorTk �xperience: Writer, ec3.itor for medical publications <br />Middle School and High School Engl.ish Teacher, adjunct faculty for 5�. Mary�s Clniversity, <br />Winona, NIIJ <br />Certificate in ESL/ELL wi11 be complete in Ma�r 2009 from St. Thomas Un�.versity, St. Paul, <br />PR1�7 <br />�ducation:: Bachelor's Degree, IYlarc�uette University, Milwaukee, WI <br />Postbac. Degree 2n English Education, Urzzversi�y of Minnesota, TC <br />Mas�er's Degree in English Education, i3nive.rsity ot Minnesota, T'C <br />EST�/�LL certification {expected completian May 2009), St. Thomas C�niv�rsaty; St. Paul, NFN <br />Civic and Volunteer (Past and Present):: Girl Scouts - leader, core team <br />member, service unit tnanager, day camp directar{pastj <br />Girl Scouts - outdoar skills tr�iner {current) <br />$oy Scouts Committee Chair (past) <br />St. l�ose af Lima Pas�oral Council (curren�.) <br />Sti. Rose of Lima Chr2st2an Service Committee (current) <br />Red Cross T'rainer - water �afety/small craft sa�ety (current) <br />Cha�.r - St. Rose of L.iana and S�. Odilia {current) <br />CARE advisor far studen� organization a�. Hill-Murray Schoal tYzat focuses on promoting <br />heaT�hy choices (curren.t} <br />1�ine Tree Apple Tennis Classic fund-raising event for pediatric cancer researclz - public <br />relations coordinator, committee chair, vo�unteer (past) <br />Please sCate your reasons for to serve on the Commi�sian/Commi��ee/Task Force:: I <br />am especiall� inter�sted in how Roseville is working with refugees and zmmzgran�s who are <br />moving into our community. I believe that my edticatzon, experience, and outlook would <br />benefit the comrnittee. <br />WhaC is your view of the roYe of thi5 Commission/ Commat�ee/'Task �'orce?: I see the <br />cammission has an advocate for the rights of all citizens of Roseville. <br />Any fur�her informatian you woulcl like the Czty Council to consider or that you feel is <br />relevant to the appointment you are seeking.: <br />I unders�and that a7.1 information provided in Chis �pplication, except my telephone <br />numbex, fax number and email address, inay be distributed by �he City ta the public <br />including, bu� not limited �o, being �osted on the City of Raseville website. I agree ta <br />waive any and all claims unclez the Minnesota Government I7ata Practices Ac�, or any other <br />applicable state and federal law, that in any way zelated �o the dissemination to �he <br />public of infarmation con�ained in this a�plication that would bE classified as private <br />urxder such 1aws. I understand that I may contac� the responsible author�ty tor the City of <br />Roseville if I have any questions regarding the public: or private nature of the <br />inforrnation provzdad:: Yes <br />1 <br />