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Mar aret Driscoll �� ;; `� ��° �- �� <br />From:. <br />Sent: <br />Tb: <br />Subject: <br /> <br />Saturday, February 21, 2009 3:05 PM <br />Carolyn Curti; Margaret Driscoll <br />Onl.ine Form SubmittaL Commission Application <br />The following �orm was submitted via your website; Commission Applicatiori <br />�le.ase check c�mmission applying far: Human Rights Commzsszon <br />If other, please list name: <br />Ivame:: Gearge Bondy <br />Address:: 1856 Ryan Ave: W. <br />Ci�.y, Stat.e, Zip: Roseville, MN 551I3 <br />Work Exper�enc�: Ret.irerl from Deluxe Corporation ir1 1999. I am an electzicai engzneer that <br />designed machine contra7.s and otkrer related activities in a 25 year career wzth Deluxe in <br />Shoreview: <br />Education;: Degree in Electrical Engineering f�om Trlayne State IIniversity: <br />Graduate level courses in engineering at the University of Minnesota: <br />Czvic and Vol�unteer Activities (Past a�1d Present):: very few. <br />I am a Neighborhood Watch Captain. <br />P�ease state your reas�ns for wanting to serve on the Commiss�on/Committee/Tas�c Force:: I <br />need to increase my service to my community. ��ing on this commission is ane way to that. <br />What as your viei,v of the ro�.e af this Commission/ Comniittee/Task Force?: That the <br />commission is a ne�essary I�ody of government that exists to aid and protect the interests <br />of the citiz.ens and �.hat of the city governmen.t. �t also provides an entry point for human <br />rights cancerns and confl.icts ta ba addressed by city goverment. <br />Any further information you would like the City Cotxncil to consider or that yau fee� is <br />relevant to the appointment yau are seeking.: My primary goal is to increase my servica to <br />thi� community: If this commission is not were I shauld be, I am open to some other role. <br />I understand that a11 informa�ion provided in this applzcation, except my telephone <br />number, fa� numl�er and email address, may be dis�ributed by the City to the public <br />including, but not limited to, being posted on the City of Roseville wel�site. I agree to <br />waive any and all cl.aims und�r the Minnesota Governmen� Data Practices Ac�, or any othe.r <br />applicable state and federal 1aw, that in any way related to the dissemination to the <br />public of information contained in this application tha�.iaould be classified as private <br />under suctZ laws: I understand that I may contact the resporssil�le authority for the City of <br />Roseville a� I have any questions regarding the public ar private nature a£ Che <br />infarma�.ion provided.. Yes <br />I understand that the City wi1.7. not publish my phone <br />withaut my au�horization and da hereby allow the City <br />Home telephone number <br />Daytime Phone: 651-644-0257 <br />Evening Phone: <br />Cell Phone: <br />Home Pl�one (if d�fferent): <br />Work Phone {if different): <br />1 <br />or fax numl�ers or email address <br />to puhlish (check aIl that apply}.: <br />