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i' :. ._; � � <br />Y <br />Margare# Driscoll <br />- -- ---- _ <br />From: support@civicplus:com <br />Sent: �uesday, February 24, 2009 5:32 PM <br />To: Carolyn Curti; Margaret Driscoll <br />Subject: Online Form Submittai: Commission Application <br />The following £orm was submitted �ria your website: Comm�ssion Applicatian <br />Please check commission ap�lying for: Human Rights C'ommission <br />If other, please list name: <br />Name:: Howard M. <br />Address:: 1148 Autumn St <br />City, State, Zip: Raseville, MN 55113 <br />Wark Experience: Now Retired <br />Was a Business Area Manager for FMC Naval Systems Division <br />�or a Missile Launcher then for the Engineering R&D a�ea <br />Was a Staff System Design Engineer wi�h Sperry UNIVAC Defense Division <br />Education:: Under graduate degree in Electrical Engineering w/Math Minor <br />Graduate Certificate an Government Contiract. Law <br />Degree in Finance <br />Masters degre.e in Business <br />Civic arid Volun�eer Ac�.ivities (Pas� and Present}:: Presently volunteer at the Hamline <br />Branch of the C'ounty �,i}�ra�y <br />Presently V'olunteer at the Twin City Model Railroad. Museum <br />Tutored students in Math and Science at the Adul� High School <br />volunteered at the Midwat xospital until it closed <br />Served on the Roseville Hurnan Rights Commission for at least 3 years <br />Please state yoiar reasons tor wantin� ta serve an the Ccsmmassian/Committee/Task Force:: <br />Did it once, felt like daing it again. <br />What i5 your view of the role o� this Commissian/ Committee/Task Force?: 'I`o do what we can <br />�o imprave human relations within the city: <br />Helping peop].e wY�o may feel they have been discriminated against. <br />Providing information to cit�z�rzs to help them . <br />Any fur�her infoa�ma�ion you would lil�e the City Council ta consider or that you fee� is <br />relevant to the appointment you are seeking:: <br />I unders�and t�iat all information provided in this appl�,cation, except my telephone <br />number, fax number and emai�. address; may be distributed by the City to �he public <br />including, but not lirnited. to, being pos�ed on the City at Ftoseville website, I agree to <br />waive any and a�.I claims under the Minnesota Government Data Prac�.ices Act, or any other <br />applicable state and federal law, that in any way r�la�ed to the dissamina�ion ta the <br />public af information contained in this application that would be classified as private <br />under such laws. I unclerstand that I may c:ontact the respari�ib�e authority for the City oi <br />Roseville if I have. any questaon� regarding t�ie pub�ic or private nature of the <br />information provided:: Yes <br />i understand that the City wiJ.�, not pul�l�,sh iny phone or fax numbers or email address <br />Yrrithout my autlzorization and do hereby allow the City to publish (check a11 that apply).: <br />Home telephane number, Horne email address <br />Daytime Phane: 651.488.6286 <br />Evening Phone: 651.488.6286 <br />1 <br />