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_ � s, <br />Margaret Driscoll <br />NIA�II�A <br />Fram: suppor�@ci� <br />Sent: Friday, Fe6ruary 27, 20Q9 3:32 PM <br />Tv: Carolyn Curti; Margaret Driscoff <br />5ubject: Online Form Submittal: Commission Application <br />The follawing farm was submitted via your website: C'ommission App�ica�ion <br />Please check commissian applying tor: Human Ri�hts Commission <br />If other, please list name: <br />Name:: Barbara Yates <br />Address:: 3057 Wheeler St. N. <br />City; State, 2ip: Rpseville, MN 55113 <br />Work Experience: Resources for Child Caring; Executive Director <br />Minnesota Early �earning Faiindati�n, Co-Execu�ive 1]irector <br />Miranesota Depar�.ment of Human SerYrices, Direc�or of C'hild Developmen� Serv2ces <br />Minnesota Departm.ent of Education, Deputy Commissioner, Asst. Cammissioner, Manager, <br />Supervisor <br />Education:: Institu�.e for Educational Leadership, Washington, D.C. <br />Educatian Policy Fe�lowship Program <br />University of Minnesota, Minneapolis <br />M.A. Graduate st.udies - Educational Psychology <br />Metropolitan 5tate Uni.versity <br />B.A. degree, Human Services <br />L7niversit� of Minnesota <br />Seconda�y Educat�on <br />Civic and Volunteer Activities (Past and Present):: President, League of Wamen Voters, <br />Roseville, Maplewaod, �alcon Heights <br />Parkview Center School Site Council <br />Sunday Schoal. Teacher, Roseville Lutheran Church <br />Valunteer, �Cids Count <br />Member, University of Minnesota Center for Early Er�ucation and Development Advi�ory <br />Cammittee <br />Roseville School District School Age C.are Advisory Commi��.ee <br />Metnber, University of Minnesota's Children, �outh and Family Consortium AcT:visory Committee <br />Please state your reasons �or wanting to serve an the Commission/Committee/Tas}� Farce:: <br />The changing face of aur community creates many opportunities and challenges, I believe <br />that the economic vitality of our citiy is directly �.mpacted by our abi]ity ta be a <br />welcom�ng; diverse community and I would hope the Commission would find ways �.o give voice <br />to experiences and concerns af those that typically have no� had the opportunity to be <br />heard, foster a positive dialogu� and cJ.imate, and pravide a vehicle to c3:iscuss concerns <br />and ways to vzork and liv� in harmony. <br />What is your view of the role of t�iis Commiss�on/ Committee/Task Force?: The role is <br />advisory to the City CounciJ,. Within tliat, I would hope to be abla ta facilitate citizen <br />input for the Council on policies related to human rights issues; specifically from those <br />that rnay b� new to ou� communi�y or coun�ry. I think the Human Rights Commission can also <br />be he�pful in identifyin� and reducing barrier� ta involvement for those from the variety <br />of cultures tha� riow make up our citizenry. <br />1 <br />