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Margaret Driscoll <br />From.: ���=�� : <br />Sent: ihursday, February 12, 20D9 9:10 PM �'„ <br />To: Garolyn Curti; Margaret Driscoll <br />Subjeef: Online Form Submittal: Commission Application <br />The follouving form was submitted via your website: Commission Application <br />Please check commission a�plying for: Par}�s and Recreatian Commission <br />Tf other, please list name: <br />Name:: William olein <br />Acldress:: 2403 N. Dunlap St. <br />City, State, Zip: Roseville, MN 55I13 <br />� <br />Y7ork ExperienCe: I worked for the Ca��y of Raseville for more than 30 years. I began as a <br />si�mmer playground leader and. a warming house attendant at Lexington Park in 1962. Atter <br />gradua�.ing from high school, I worl�ed in the park maintenance department for several years <br />while in college and before I became the Director of �he Rosevi�le Skating Center in �.975, <br />a pasi�ion I held: tin�.il retirement in 2005. <br />Education;: University Of Minnesata Minneapolis, Mn <br />December 1973 BacYze�.or af Science <br />Major: Park & Recreation Adminis�ra�ion <br />Alexander Ramsey Sr, High Sclzool Roseville, Mn <br />June 1964 Diploma <br />Civic and Voluntee.r Activities (past and Presentj:: Koseviile Voluntieer F'ire Department ! <br />97� - �994 <br />--Rank af Lieutenarl� <br />-�Medal of Honor �992 <br />--Distinguished Service Award, Ameracan Heart Association 1992 <br />--Certificate of Commendation, American Legion 1�92 <br />Ameri,can sand�i Association 1987-1992 <br />Narth Suburban Yotith Founda�ion �,586-1993, 2005-PYe5ent <br />Please state your reasans f�r wariting �.o serve on the Commission/Committee/Task Force:: <br />Tn7hen I began my career at �.he City of Ros�ville, it was during a periad of time when the <br />par� system was first under development. A r�ferendum was passed in the early 60's Chat <br />allowed the City to purcYzase parcels of �and to develop oixr park system as we know it <br />today. I worked on many of our parks as they were developed from swamp or low Iands inta <br />bea�CituT neighborhoad parl�s. I� was especially rewarding to work on Central Park and help <br />with the earYy development of this "Gem" of our park system. I would very much like to <br />return to my °roats" in this wonderful park system, to further serve the community iri the <br />coneinued de�relo�ment and implementation of our parlcs and recreation programs. <br />What is your view of the role of this Cammission/ Committee/Task Force?: I realize thati <br />the Park and Recreation Cammission is an advisory commission to the C2ty Counc��. Tl�at its <br />rale is to Yisten ta the wishes of the community as they pertain to the p�rk and <br />reereation setting, and �h�n to make wise and fair decisions that can be passed on to the <br />Council for their review. <br />�lny further inforrnation yotY would like the City Counczl to consider or that you feel is <br />relevant ta the appoin�rnent yau are seeking.: I would like to inform you tl�at � have an <br />out of state commitment from March 5�hrough March 13, and would nat be available during <br />tlze scheduled interview time frame. I'm hopefu� that if cansidered, an alterna�ive <br />interview date m�ght be available. <br />