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What is your view of the rale of this Commission/ CommitteelTask Force?: <br />I think that it is benef cial to have directly qualified and experienced Rosevi]1e residents on all of the <br />commissians and task farces tci ensure unbiased and well thought-out recommendations and in-depth analyses. <br />Ii would seem to me that he Police Commission would particularily embrace these principles and I would <br />consider it a privilege if I am asked io serve RosevilIe ance again in this important volunteer capacity. <br />Any further infortnation you would like th� City Cauncil io consider or that you feel is relevant to the <br />appointment you are seeking.: <br />I also served on tl�e Corpora�e Integrity Task force at Contral Data dealing with employee and corporate ethics. <br />Through my years of experience at 31V1 and eIsewhere, I have been able to work with a�l levels oi individuals <br />from many ethnic and diversity situations ihat I feel shau�d be af considerable relevance anci sensitivity for <br />matters brou.ght befare thi.s corrrmissian. <br />My fami�y and I have resided in �toseville for 27 years and our two daughters graduated from Rasevill� High <br />Schaol. I wauld like you to consider my fa�niliarity with aur camrrrunity along with iny Reserve Officer <br />e�perience in assessing my suitabilty for your consideration in the appointrr�ent you decide upon. <br />Thank you all once a�ain for your consideration. <br />I understand that all information provided in this ��plication, except my telephane number, fax number and <br />ematl address, may be distributed by the Czty to the public including, but not Iimited to, being posted on the <br />City of Roseville website. I agree to waive any and aIl claims under the Minnesota Government Data Practices <br />Act, or any other appiicable state and federa� Ia.vt�; that in any way related to tiie dissemination ta the public of <br />information contained in this application tha� would be classifi�d as private under such laws. I t��derstand that I <br />may contact the responsibl� autharity far the City of Roseville if I have any qu�stions regarding the public or <br />private nature of the informatfor� provided.: Yes <br />I understand that the City will not publish my �hone or f� numbers or email address without my authorization <br />and do hereby all�w the �ity to publish (ch�c�C all tha� apply).: not checkec� <br />Daytime Phane: <br />Ev�ning phane: <br />Cell Pl�one: <br />Home Phone (if diff�rent}: <br />Work Phone (i�' different}� <br />�Iome Fa�: <br />Wark Fax: <br />Home Email: <br />Work Ernail: <br />