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� � , _.. _...: �, � ._ �. � <br />Margare# Driscofl <br />From: support@civicplus:com <br />Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 7:08 PM <br />To: Carolyn Curti; Margaret DriscofE <br />Subject: Online Form Submittal: Cammission Application <br />The following form was submitted via your webszte: Cammission Applica�ion <br />Please check comntission applying for: Parks and Re.creation Cammission, Planning Comtnission <br />If other, please list name: <br />Name:: Tim Johnson <br />Address:r 1�.6� Garden Ave <br />City, State, Zip: Roseville, M1V 55T13 <br />Work �.xperience: Accounting 1989 to present. <br />Real Estate 2044 �o present. <br />Education:: S,A. Bethel College, Business Administration w/ Emphasis in Accoun�2ng. 1989. <br />C.ivic and Volunt.eer Activ�ties (Past and �resent):.: City C.ouncil Candidate 2008. <br />Valunteer in Ukrainian Orphanges 2003 and 2004. <br />Please state your reasons for wan�ing to serve an tha Commis�ion/Committ�e/Task Force:: T <br />want to be more involved in the community. <br />What is yaur view of tha role of this Commission/ Cotttmi��ee/Task Force?; To provide <br />Comminity input to the city council and/or city staff. <br />Any furtlzer information you would like the City Council �a cansicler or that you feel is <br />relevant to the appaintment you are seekzng.: During the 200$ campaign season I talked to <br />a lo� of residen�s and. gained a 1at of insight �hat would be beneficial to either <br />cammission. I think my background in real estate and accounting would also be beneficial <br />tio eiC.her the Par]� and R.e.c or Planninr� C'ommission. <br />I understand that all information pravided in this applicatian, except �ny telephone <br />nixmber, fax number and email address, may be distributed by the City to the public <br />including; but n.ot lirnited to, being posted on. the City of Ros�vilTe website. T agree to <br />waive any and a11. c�.aims under the Minnesota. Gavernment Data Practices Act, or any other <br />applicable state anc3 federal law, that in any way related to the dissemination to the <br />public of information contained in this applicati�n that would be classified as private <br />under such Zaws. z understand that I may contact the responsible authority for the Ci�.y of <br />Roseville if I have any que.stions regarding the public or private nature of �he <br />information provided.: �es <br />I understanci tha� the C.ity will not publish my phone or fax numbers or emaa.l address <br />without tny authorization and do hereby a11o� the City to publisl� (check all that apply}.: <br />Other ti�lephone number <br />Daytime Phone: <br />Evening Phone: <br />Cell Phane: <br />Home Phone {if different}: <br />Work Phone (if different): <br />Home Fax: <br />1 <br />