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Margaret Driscoll <br />R�ss�iu�i ��uunn ,i � <br />From: <br />Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 5:05 PM <br />Tos Carofyn Curti; Margaret Driscoll <br />Subject: Online Farm Submittal: Commission Application <br />The foZlowing form was submitted via your webszte: Cammission Application <br />Please check commission applying for: Parks and l�ecrea�ion Commission <br />If other, please list name: <br />Name;: Thomas E. Lund <br />Address:: 1�38 Sherren Street West <br />City, State, �ip; RasevilTe, [�fN 55113 <br />Work Experience: US Army - 3 years <br />Mznnesota Supreme Court - 1 year <br />Private a�.tiorney concentrating on employee benefits - 3D years <br />�ducation:: S.A. Stanford University <br />�T:�. Liniversaty af Minnesota <br />Civic ancl Volunteer Activities (Past al�d Present):; Youth Basketb�ll Coach R1'BA - 8 years <br />Board �tamb�r and volunte�r Attorney - Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services 21 �ears <br />Merit Badge Coach - Boy Scauts - 6 years <br />Roseville Area High School Athletic Booster Club - 3 years <br />Please 5tate your reasans for wanting ta serve on the Commissian/Committee/Tas� Force:: I <br />believe that Roseville's parks and recreation prog�ams are vi�al to t.he health and <br />desirability of our community. I want to help en5ure that the quality of the facilities <br />and programs remains high and that thEy meet the needs of citizenry tha� is grawing more <br />and more diverse. <br />What is your view of the role csf this Commission/ Committee/'i`as3c Force�: I view thE <br />cammission as (a} a vehicle for citizen's input to the city gavernmen� and (b} a irieans af <br />ensuring that the city management`s priorities for tha parks and the recreaC�on programs <br />are aZigned with those of th� peop�e for whom they are maintained. <br />Any further intorma�iori you would like �he City Council to consider or that you feel is <br />relevant to the appointment you aza seeking.: I have iived in Roseville for 34 years. My <br />children grew up using Raseville parks and participating in the recreation programs. I <br />continue to use and value the.m adn would be hanored to take part in t�e stewardship of <br />this valuable community resouzce. <br />I understand �ha� all a�nforrrcation provided in t�is applzcation; except my telephone <br />number, ta� numY7er and emai,l add�ess� may be distributed hy the Ci�y to the public <br />including, but not limited to, being poste.d on the City of Roseville website. I agree to <br />waive any and all claims under the Minne5ota Government Da�a Practices Act, or any <br />applicable state and federal law, tha� in any way related to th� disseminatiion to the <br />public of informati�n contained in this application that tvould be classified as private <br />under such laws. I understand that T may contact the responsible authority �or the City of <br />Roseville if I have any questions regarcling the pub�ic or private nattzre af tha <br />information provided:: Yes <br />z unders�.and that the C'ity will no� publish my phone or fax numbers or email address <br />without my authorization and clo hereby allow the City ta publish {check all that. app�y}.: <br />Home telephone number, Hotne email address <br />Daytime Phane: <br />1 <br />