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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/28/2009 11:26:18 AM
Creation date
5/28/2009 11:26:15 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 11, 2009 . <br />Page 12 <br />Mr. Roland Wilsey, Midland Grove Townhome Association <br />Mr. Wilsey addressed his expertise in the transportation industry; and existing <br />safety concerns with accessing roadways in the area, given the make up of the <br />roadways, adjacent intersections, and traffic from the interstate system into the <br />area. Mr. Wilsey encouraged Councilmembers to deny this proposed project, in <br />consideration of the safety of existing residents and their use of the roadway. <br />Andy Weyer, Property Owner <br />Mr. Weyer presented the Sunday, May 10, 2009 Pioneer Press article on Rose- <br />- vine and past controversial development projects. <br />Mr. Weyer opined that there had been misinformation delivered to the City Coun- <br />cil on property ownership and use, and that this issue would be cleared up shortly. <br />Mr. Weyer provided additional historical information on his family's property, <br />and original development of the Midland Grove and Ferriswood projects. Mr. <br />Weyer asked that the City support this project in the spirit of change in Roseville <br />as evidenced in the past with other developments. <br />Richard Taylor, Midland Grove Condominiums (SW corner on 3`d floor) <br />Mr. Taylor addressed traffic issues and uses on Midland Grove Road; as well as <br />the building's mass, and description of the area in Section 5.6 of the staff report. <br />Mr. Taylor noted topography of the site; proposed height of the building; and <br />spoke in support of town homes as an extension of existing use, rather than any- <br />thing of greater density. Mr. Taylor suggested that, whether this project comes to <br />fiuition or not, that the City retain their existing rights-of--way for future recon- <br />figuration of the roadway if applicable. <br />Joyce Thielen, Midland Grove Condominiums <br />Ms. Thielen noted the existing drainage issues at Midland Grove, and the <br />$600,000 rehabilitation of that area currently underway to address that issue and <br />prevent further deterioration of their underground garage. Ms. Thielen advised <br />that she was awaiting additional information on storm water drainage in the area <br />from the MPCA, and asked that this was an important consideration for the City <br />Council before providing their approval of this project. <br />Aileen Wiley, resident at Midland Grove <br />Ms. Wiley questioned the actual size of the property; and the location of the par- <br />ceT adjacent to three major thoroughfares; and questioned the conclusion of the <br />Planning Division in their report. <br />Art Mueller and Tim Johnson <br />Mr. Mueller provided the original survey completed on the property in 1969 and <br />the actual acreage being used, exclusive of the roadway easement in question. <br />
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