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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/28/2009 11:26:18 AM
Creation date
5/28/2009 11:26:15 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 11, 2009 <br />Page 14 <br />City Council needed to act on behalf of the entire community. Councilmember <br />Johnson noted that many of those speaking were living in high-density facilities, <br />and recognized that they were concerned with their views being impeded; how- <br />ever, he questioned. if the project would not be of great benefit to the City as a <br />whole. Councilmember Johnson advised that he was inclined not to support the <br />land use at this point, based on his lack of support for the project itself. Council- <br />member Johnson opined that he believed that ahigh-density project could work in <br />that area and maybe good for the entire community; but advised that at this point, <br />he could not support this project or the proposed land use. <br />Discussion among Councilmembers, staff and City Attorney Squires included the <br />60-day land use review period and timing for action on this project; how this <br />area's designation was not considered in the recent comprehensive plan updates; <br />planning versus reacting; process in basic planning and decision-making based on <br />projects coming forward; maximum versus minimum standards on which to base <br />those decisions; and how the property should be designated: medium or high den- <br />sity. <br />Mr. Paschke clarified that, at the last Planning Commission meeting, the actual <br />vote of the Commission was 4/3 supporting comprehensive plan amendment; with <br />a 1 /6 failed vote on the concept plan, based on building footprint and aesthetics. <br />City Attorney Squires reviewed the three proposed action items, with the first two <br />(i.e., comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning) being legislative in nature; <br />and the additional action for approval of the concept a separate issue that <br />shouldn't be linked to the other decisions. <br />Further discussion was related to the next available meeting of the City Planning <br />Commission for the opportunity of another Public Hearing; practicalities of pro- <br />viding mailed and published notice of such a Hearing; and the City Council's <br />charge to the Commission in further review of this request. <br />Councilmember Pust advised that her remaining concerns were related to the <br />mass of the building on that site; but that her concerns related to traffic seemed to <br />have been alleviated. <br />Councilmember Ihlan advised that she had ongoing and major concerns with the <br />concept plan; and the need for policy discussions for changing the comprehensive <br />plan designation when other changes were made to the updated comprehensive <br />plan. Councilmember Ihlan spoke in opposition to any and all of the requests cur- <br />rentlybefore the Council related to this project. <br />Additional discussion included rationale for having further review at the Planning <br />Commission level; recognizing the lengthy meeting and previous review by the <br />Commission and potential value of their re-examining their rationale; remaining <br />
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