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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 27, 2009 <br />Page 10 <br />desire to know more about that Option, and the hazardous Building Law and city <br />demolition of such buildings under that specific statute and definition. Council- <br />member Ihlan opined that the City Council needed to do more to ensure the health <br />and safety issues related to these types of structures; and not make assumptions <br />that taxpayer monies be used to clean up those properties. <br />Mayor Klausing clarified that he was making no assumption that taxpayer monies <br />would be used to clean up these properties; however, he noted that if the City <br />needed to take out a portion of a building for construction of a roadway, that the <br />City had an obligation to make the property owner whole. Mayor Klausing re- <br />minded Councilmembers that the City was looking at formulas to ensure property <br />owners and developers contributed to the overall cost for redeveloping the Twin <br />Lakes area; however, noted that law requires remuneration to property owners for <br />any taking required. Mayor Klausing expressed his desire to also explore the <br />Hazardous Building Law and explore options for razing or improving building <br />maintenance. <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that it would be nice to at least get undesirable <br />and vacant buildings boarded and chained up to avoid gang-related activities. <br />Mayor Klausing requested that additional discussion take place when Mr. Trudg- <br />eon was available. <br />City Manager so noted, and advised that the City Attorney would provide addi- <br />tional information as requested by Councilmember Ihlan regarding the Hazardous <br />Building Law. <br />c. Discuss Ordinance to Expand Focus of Human Rights Commission (HRC) <br />City Manager Malinen reviewed previous discussion and expansion of the Human <br />Rights Commission to implement Imagine Roseville 2025 goals, as detailed in the <br />Request for Council Action dated April 27, 2009. Mr. Malinen reviewed discus- <br />sion at the HRC level, as requested by the City Council, and their recommenda- <br />tion to the City Council as outlined in the draft ordinance provided in the Council <br />packet. Mr. Malinen advised that the HRC was not responsive to renaming the <br />Commission, based on their concern that the HRC retain their traditional focus <br />and function as in integral service to the community. City Manager Malinen <br />noted that the HRC had held lengthy and productive discussions prior to their rec- <br />ommendation for expanding the focus of the HRC. <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested review of the HRC meeting minutes prior to con- <br />sideration of the proposed ordinance. <br />City Manager Malinen noted that they were in their draft form, and had not been <br />reviewed or approved by the HRC at this time. Mr. Malinen reviewed and sum- <br />marized the recommended revisions to the original draft ordinance. <br />