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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/12/2009 2:08:19 PM
Creation date
6/12/2009 2:07:38 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 13, 2009 <br />. Page 12 <br />City Attorney Anderson noted that "vegetation" was a very broad term and pro- <br />vide substantial leeway for property owners, as long as ground cover was alive, <br />and not "Astroturf." <br />Mayor Klausing noted concerns with composting language and the comprehen- <br />sive list, suggesting that "faded flowers" be removed; and the material list be firr- <br />ther defined. <br />Ms. Radel advised staff had drafted proposed revisions based on their review of <br />similar ordinances in the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, but that staff would <br />review language further and more specifically. <br />Councilmember Ihlan suggested that another approach would be to specify mate- <br />rials that would not be allowed for yard cover; while addressing pervious and im- <br />pervious materials. Councilmember Ihlan opined that she had no major concerns <br />with the general language; further opining that she didn't want to require people <br />to have lawns as long as their options were aesthetically pleasing. Councilmem- <br />ber Ihlan addressed enforcement issues for such a specific list of compost materi- <br />als and their diameters, suggesting that guidelines be provided, rather than en- <br />forceable language. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that the intent in providing a diameter of no more than <br />'/ inch for compost materials was to avoid fallen trees in compost materials. <br />City Attorney Anderson concurred; and noted that enforcement with a nuisance <br />code was always an issue; however, if language was changed to guidelines, there <br />would be no way to enforce it at all, and then a nuisance code would not be the <br />appropriate place. <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in support of language enforceable to avoid people putting <br />general garbage or other non-compostable materials in their compost areas. <br />City Attorney Anderson noted that this gets to the terms of a list of materials not <br />allowed; items that give rise to effervescence in the air; and basically get enforced <br />when neighbors complain. City Attorney Anderson noted that this allows for a <br />definitive nature as staff reviews each specific situation and can then respond to <br />those complaints. <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested that staff seek additional expertise from green <br />gardening promoters and how this suggested language fits into composting prac- <br />tices. <br />Ms. Radel advised that she and Recycling Coordinator Tim Pratt would seek addi- <br />• tional information. <br />
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