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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/12/2009 2:08:19 PM
Creation date
6/12/2009 2:07:38 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 13, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />• <br />Mr. Arsenault thanked Councilmember Johnson for his concern and attention to <br />the situation; and noted that there may be other residents in the audience wishing <br />to express similar concerns. Mr. Arsenault encouraged the City to strongly en- <br />courage HarMar to secure and maintain this area. Mr. Arsenault noted that Har- <br />Mar security officers have been repeatedly advised of the situation; however, <br />there was no resolution to date, and expressed his hope that HarMar would step <br />up to the plate. Mr. Arsenault, as an architect, noted that there were several cost- <br />effective options that could be taken to make the area more open and less se- <br />cluded, and allowing Police and security officers to be aware of what is occurring <br />in that area and stop those activities to avoid similar situations happening again. <br />Mayor Klausing thanked Mr. Arsenault for coming forward; and advised that the <br />City Council would follow-up with staff to find a solution. <br />Councilmember Johnson commended Mr. Arsenault for coming forward publicly; <br />and expressed the community's empathy to his son and family for having to ex- <br />perience this difficulty. Councilmember Johnson noted that he had observed <br />HarMar personnel cleaning up some of the brush and vegetation along the west <br />side of their parking lot; opining that he was not aware whether this was them be- <br />ing pro-active, or just coincidence. <br />• d. Bob Barona, 1455 Shryer Avenue W (corner of Pascal and Shryer) <br />Mr. Barona advised that most of the activities were happening at the Skillman en- <br />trance to the fenced-in .area along HarMar, not at Shryer. Mr. Barona provided <br />other instances of harassment experienced. Mr. Barona advised that HarMar per- <br />sonnel didn't keep the area maintained, and only cleaned it up 2-3 times annually, <br />and opined that they did not monitor the area at all. <br />Mayor Klausing reiterated his assurances that the City Council and staff would <br />pursue the matter further. <br />4. Council Communications, Reports, Announcements and Housing and Redevelop- <br />ment Authority Report <br />5. Recognitions, Donations, Communications <br />a. .Recognize Retiring Commissioners <br />On behalf of the City Council, community and staff, Mayor Klausing presented <br />individual certificates of appreciation to retiring volunteer commissioners; and <br />recognized those unable to attend, noting that their certificates would be distrib- <br />uted to them at a later date. <br />Mayor Klausing recognized Duane Cady of the Ethics Commission, who was un- <br />able to attend. <br />
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