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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/12/2009 2:08:19 PM
Creation date
6/12/2009 2:07:38 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri113, 2009 <br />Page 7 <br />a. Highway 36 /Rice Street Interchange Design Presentation <br />Public Works Director Duane Schwartz introduced Mr. Jim Tolaas, with Ramsey <br />County Public Works Department <br />Mr. Tolaas and Mr. Schwartz provided an updated configuration and preliminary <br />design for asingle-point diamond on the north side of Highway 36 and Rice <br />Street, as per the revised map presented at the meeting, with further refinement <br />from that included in the agenda packet. <br />Mr. Tolaas advised that members of the Project Management Team included <br />Ramsey County; MnDOT; and the Cities of Little Canada, Maplewood and Rose- <br />ville. Mr. Tolaas advised that the Team was seeking concurrence from participat- <br />ing City Council's for this best solution. <br />Mr. Tolaas reviewed projected funding solutions for the overall project; with pre- <br />liminary design and environmental work being initiated to hopefully overlap with <br />final design and construction scheduled to begin in 2010, once all funding sources <br />were identified. <br />Mr. Tolaas reviewed funding available to correct bridge deficiencies and for their <br />replacement; Highway 49 turnback funds; work with the State legislature for state <br />• funding or another bonding source; and application for STP funding for federal <br />funds that would be administered through the Metropolitan Council; as well as <br />working with Senator Betty McCollum for federal earmarks. Mr. Tolaas advised <br />that some local funding would be required as application for local improvements <br />related to the project. <br />Mr. Tolaas further reviewed right-of--way acquisition; three full takings associated <br />with that right-of--way; attempts to secure public access on the west side of Rice <br />and north of Highway 36, which is currently a private drive accessing Rice Street. <br />Discussion included support of individual Councilmembers for the design. <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that the design looked great and served to clear <br />up several difficult traffic situations along County Road B and the south side of <br />Highway 36. Councilmember Johnson further opined that it was an unusual de- <br />sign, but that it made sense. Councilmember Johnson sought additional informa- <br />tion on a potential park and ride facility in Little Canada or in Maplewood. <br />Mr. Tolaas advised that Metropolitan Transit had originally looked at several <br />quadrants between County Road B and Highway 36; however, at that time, they <br />felt that they couldn't get buses off Highway 36 efficiently. Mr. Tolaas advised <br />that those discussions had been reopened, with consideration being given to a <br />. quadrant on the west side of Highway 49 for an acceptable location. Mr. Tolaas <br />opined that it would be a difficult spot; but that other parking areas maybe under- <br />
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