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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 08, 2009 <br />Page 10 <br />cordance with municipal contracting State Statute 412.311 referencing any con- <br />struction work undertaken by a City, and meant for everyone's best interest. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the General Obligation Bonds were backed by <br />the full faith and credit of taxpayers, and therefore, the City was obligated to en- <br />sure that the lowest responsible bidder or best value contractors were used; and <br />further opined that the bids should be structured accordingly. <br />Councilmember Pust asked legal counsel, Mr. Bubul, for his interpretation of <br />State Statute 412.31 1, and whether it was applicable in this case, and if not, why. <br />Mr. Bubul advised that the Statute was not applicable, as the contract was not be- <br />tween the City and a contractor, but between the Homeowners Association and a <br />contractor. Mr. Bubul further advised that the entire HIA process was for the City <br />to provide financing, but that expectations of the HIA did not indicate public bid- <br />ding by the City; and that any such ambiguities had been clarified during the most <br />recent legislative session. Mr. Bubul noted that, is the City were doing the im- <br />provements, then it would be required to follow competitive bidding Statutes; <br />however, the City's role in the HIA was only to assist with financing. Mr. Bubul <br />further noted that unless the City had used its own reserves, any way it provided <br />financing would have been through General Obligation Bonds, even if Bremer <br />Bank had continued their involvement; that this was how a municipality borrowed <br />money. <br />City Attorney Scott Anderson concurred with HRA Bond counsel, and his inter- <br />pretation of language of the municipal bid statute. <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned who was paying for the services of the HRA At- <br />torney. <br />Councilmember Pust, as liaison to the HRA, advised that HRA funds were paying <br />for their legal counsel; with Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon <br />noting that the Homeowner's Association would be billed by the City for Mr. <br />Bubul's time for reimbursement of all administrative costs, as per stipulations of <br />the Development Agreement. <br />Acting City Manager/Finance Director Miller concurred that all administrative <br />facts had been taken into consideration in establishing the interest rate to cover <br />those fees up to this point and ongoing throughout the term. <br />Acting Mayor Roe noted that this was similar to other types of Bond issues, with <br />the cost of bond counsel factored into administrative costs. <br />Mr. Miller concurred with Acting Mayor Roe's observation <br />