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<br />RESOLU~ION NO. 259 <br /> <br />EX'T'RAC~ OF NPJurr:~s OF I': ;nrrnm OF \TILVcC'~ COUNCIL, VILLt,CE OF <br />R()Qj~VIL1E, fvIINNf~SO'J1A ]\1 ~RCH 31, 1959 <br /> <br />Pursuant to ~ue cDll 2nd notice thereof, 8 rT'll;;r meeting <br />of the Vill"lpe Council of the Vill;:we of Roseville, Jilinneso+,a, w"'s <br /> <br />helo at the Council Chnmbers in the Villppe Hall in said VHlaue <br /> <br />on the 14tll del'! of AprH, JSS9, Rt 8 0 I clock P.N. <br /> <br />The followinp membArs were present: All <br /> <br />awl the followirig '/'Jere absent: None <br /> <br />Trustee Brennan introduced ~md moveri the ae"1option of the following <br /> <br />resolution: <br /> <br />R8~::)()LUTION PROnnINC FOH PFnLIC '\^1!;: OF' (~rin':'^HY ;:;F~'ilb:1~ IHPRcuG','iENT <br />BONrn, SC<RE,~) E <br /> <br />BE 1'T' tFSOLV~~D by the Vnlave Council of the Vill"li"e of Hosevil1e, <br /> <br />Hinnesota, as follows: <br /> <br />L It is hereby found "lnd determined that it is necessary at the <br />present time tc issue anri sell improver:ent bonds cf th,o Vilhre in the <br />amount of :~l,OOO,OOOO for the P'lTlose of provic'ling moneys for the payment <br />of adnj tional costs of Sanitary ~;ewer Impro"ement No.2, in accor~~mce lrJ"ith <br />the provi sions of the resolution ar10pted Jlme 26, 195h, entitled ffRescluti on Cre9t- <br />ing S~lDi t8ry Sewer Improvement Bonn Sinkinn: Funr'l ,l\utrorizinr the I "S'1Ance of <br />~)l,ODO,O()O Snnitprv SerN'r Irnproven'ent nonr1s, Serips A, l1nrl Est"'blishjn~ the <br />Form "'no Terms Thpreof". <br /> <br />2. This Council sh0U meet at the time And place specified in the form <br />of notice here"n cont~ined for the purpose of receiving, openinn: anrl con- <br />sir1crinp: sealed bids for 'me aTi>T"'r in0" the s:-1e of s:-drl arld'tionRl hOWlS, ,':md <br />the Vill;:;0"8 Clerk is hereby ;:1uthcrized and rlirected to cause notice of the <br />time, plC'lce and purpose of s?irl meetjnp to be published in the Rose Tribune <br />ann in the ~ommercial ~'Jest, Hinn' Rpolis, Ivljnnesoi,S, not less than 10 days <br />prior to thf ,iate of ~pirl meeting, Hh" ch notice shC'lll be in subst;:mtiCJlly <br />the follo-win;'" form; <br /> <br />3. EClCh and all of the terms :1nr] prOVJ_SlOnS of the forep:oinr' form of <br />notice !mS hereby adopted RS the terms :md conditions of said bonds and of <br />the SAle thereof. <br /> <br />The motion for the adoption of the fore(Tcinv r, solut: on was rJuly seconcleri <br /> <br />by Trustee Carlson, and upon vote bein': t'1KOn thereo~, the follmvin" rroteri in <br /> <br />favor thereof: All <br />