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<br />NOrICE OF SALE <br />31,000,000 SANITA.EY SET,1!~i'H IMPHO\TEI'.ENrr BUNDS <br />SER.IES E <br />Vn,LAGF; OF R.oC;1WILU~, H~,;VjSf'Y COHN'TY, IHN:.rP;SOTA <br /> <br />NonCE IS HEREBY rrVEN that the Council of the Villare of RosevHle, <br />Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers in the Villepe Hall in said <br />'/illar:e at eight 0 I clock F.M. on ;\"ow1ay, the 18th day of May, 1959, to <br />receive, open and consirkr sealed bids for ;mn aHara the sale of its <br />nevotif'ble coupon (7eneraJ oblL'at;on Spnitary Sev.Ter Imnrovenrmt Ponrls, Series <br />E, in the prindp"'l amount of 'fl,000,OOO to be issued tc fincmce a portion of <br />the cost of SaYli tary Se"r,r Improvew.>nt No. 2 pursllpnt to the provisions ;mrl <br />under the aut);crity of hinn8sota Statutes 1953, Chapter 1..~29. Said bonos will <br />be daten May 1, 1959, will be jn the rlenomination of 31,000.00 eRch; vJill <br />bear interest at the ra~e or rates to be desivnRted by the successful bidder <br />in intep;ral multiples of I/h or 1/10 of 1% per :mnum, p::1yable Ivlay 1, 1960 ;md <br />semi-annually thereAfter on Npy 1 and November 1 of each year emd will mpture <br />serially on Nay 1, in the ycars cmd mnLunts as follows: <br />$50,000 1961 throuph 1980 <br /> <br />The bonds moturing in the years 1961 throu,:h 1970 lrlill not be subject to <br />redemption prior to maturity, but the remaining bonds (1971-1980) will each <br />be subject to redemption at the option of thr Village on Kay 1 1961, and any <br />interest ppyment date thereafter in inverse orcier of their s rial numbers, <br />and at a price of pClr and accrued interest plus a premium of .ffi20.00 for each <br />bond prepaid on or before IVlay 1, 1971, and :nO.OO for each bonrl prepaid <br />thereafter but on or bpfore May 1, 1976, af'er which date !'lll remaining bonds <br />will be prepayable without prewium. <br /> <br />Principal 2nrl interest will be marle payable at such banking instibJtion <br />in the Uniteri States named by purchaser. 'T'he Villape wE1 furnish, without cost <br />to the purchaser, ann wjthin 30 deWS after date of s!'lle, the printed and <br />executed bonns ann approving lef!al opinion of IJlessrs. Dorsey, Gl'en, ~cott, <br />Berber and Marquart of Ninnr;apolis, lViinnesota, 2nd B.H. Lofts,,:aprrlen, Vill ar-s <br />Attorney, to"cther .-lith c11stom8ry non-lit.ip<1tion certific,ct.e. <br /> <br />SPRltea bids m!'lrked "Bin for 1,000,000.00 Bonds" mar be mR.'Hen or <br />rielivered to the unrlersignerl Vill;Jve Clerk ~mrl must be receiverl at his office <br />pri or to time of meeting. Oral auctinn biris vJill not be consi^:red. Each birl <br />must be uncow~; tional except as to lec'gli ty and must be acccmDRnied by a <br />certifierl check in the amount of ,;:S20,OOO.OO pRyable to the Villa<ye 1're"lsurer <br />to be retained as liq'1idated!'l;-res in case the birl be accepted and the <br />binder shall felil to comply therewith. Bins will be co!',pared accorriing to the <br />lowerst dollar amount of npt inter st cost compute'" to stDten meturiti~e of s::1id <br />bonds, derJuctinc: therefrom the pren:ium if any. No bir1 of It'sS th:m ppr anrl <br />accuued intArst will be ccmsidererJ and the Villap'e reserves the right tc reject <br />an.y or all bins, and tu l-laive any inforn,ality in any bid ;-md to 8,-1:iourn the sale <br />if deemed necessary. <br /> <br />Dated April 14, 1959 <br /> <br />BY" ORDf';H OF rrrii~ VILLA':,E COUNCIL <br /> <br />B.H. Hammersten <br />(}eorge 1d. Keene <br />