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<br />S,p. 6212-77 (T,H, 36-1lS) <br /> <br />Form 2522 <br /> <br />RES 0 L UTI 0 N 260 <br /> <br />At a (regular) (special) meeting of the V:illafe Council of the VillaO'e of <br />Roseville duly held on the 1) of April, 1959, the fo110winp' Resol1ltion wps <br />offered by Trustee, Shields; seconrled by Trustee, Carlson; to-wit: <br /> <br />irTH:'REAS the Village of Roseville has approved the plans Rnd specifications for <br />the improvement of that part of Trunk Highw8Y Number 118 renwnbererl as Trunk <br />HighT,T8Y Number 36 within the corporate limits of the Village of Roseville at <br />the Junctions of T.R. 36 with Snelling Ave., Lexinpton Ave. ~nd Dale Street; <br />and <br />1,Im"'HEAS in orner to obtain Federal aid in the ccnstructi on of sain Trunk <br />Highv-laY Number 118 renumbered as Trunk Highway Humer 36 the Bureau of Public <br />Roarls requires the Bf:Sl1rance that thA Villap'e of Rosevi}le will not suffer any <br />encroachment of 'my nature or kind whntsoever on the r i "ht of way of ",:;in '1'runk <br />Highway Number ll~ renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 31; w~thin the corperate <br />limits of the sairl Village of Roseville; and <br />'V<J8"RE^S the Commissioner of Hir-hways desires in the interest of public <br />safety that ;:;11 p2rkin? of vehicles on ,.,pirl trunk hiphw8Y be parallel i-lith the <br />curb And at least 20 feet from any crosswfilk. <br /> <br />N01^T, '1'HEN, BE I'T' R'SC,LVETJ that s8id Villave of Roseville does hereby agree <br />anrl coven1rt th::1t it v-Till never perrr:i t. or suffer, wi thin its corporate 1 imi ts, ::1ny enCl <br />encroachment of Rny kinrl v-Jh::1tsoev~'r, incluriin:z curb cras pumps and g8S stations, <br />billboar"s or other cctnuctures of any kind wh:)tsoev(~r, upon the rL'ht of wp,y of <br />'T'runk HighH8Y Number 11,9 renumbf;reo as Trunk Highv.T'JY Number 36 within the ann to <br />the above onrl sa in vill;:w;e of Rosevi1le hereby agrees that i t 1rV~ II never issue 8ny <br />license, pern it, or F"rant,or Vive !'Jny le8ve or liberty or ;my other consent of <br />whatever rerm for the cons ruction or mainten"nce of Rny encroachment whatsever, <br />including curb "'as pumps an~ gas stgtions, billboarc1s or other structures of any <br />kind wh'3tsoever, upon s8id right of '.vay; -1nrJ thc:>t s3irJ VillAr:e of Roseville <br />irJill cooperate insofar 8S possible to eliminate existinf~ encroachw'nts consti tutLng <br />traffic hazar,ls ann will further take any necess2ry action tc eliminate any en- <br />croachment that may hereafter existi on said trunk highway right of w:w;. and <br /> <br />BE 1'1' FURTH:m RS;)OLVED that Selid Village of Rosevil1e does hereby ar-ree to <br />req'1ire the parking of all vehicles on sRirl trunk hiphway to be p9rallel wjth the <br />curb anrl at lepst t.wenty (20) feet from any crGsswalks un all public strAicts inter- <br />section trunk highway within the corporate J imi ts of SRid vill"we of Ro"eville. <br /> <br />Upon the call of the roll the fo11oTrVinp' Council voted in favor of the Resolu....tion: <br />All. <br />Tae following council voted pcain"t its adchption: None where1Jpon.. +he r'J?yer awl pry'" <br />siding officer declarerl the Resolution aoopted. r:;.:...::f1- ....., I <br />Dated April 14, 1959. E. F, Ceoarholm b.. \ ! .../ <br />Nayor <br /> <br />A+test: George W, <br /> <br />S1'!~.'l'E OF HINN<SO'T'A <br />COUNTY OF RM;SEY <br /> <br /> <br />) <br />) <br />) ss. <br />VIUJ~rE OF HOS';VILL~ ) <br />I nO hereby cert.ify that at ;:J rer:ilar meeting (at a Dsecial meeUnr: of which <br />due and lef:pl notice W2S 7iven) of the Vil18~;e Council of R, seville tJ,innesot!'l, on <br />the 14 rlay of April 1959, 8t. 't-rhich a m2j ority of t.he members of sRirl Council were <br />presen,' t, th,e, forp0'c,inry resolution WQS arlopterl. niven unoer my" ha?d andr s~l this <br />llt rlay of April, 1959 '. _'~" ,," 1,/ /['::::-<"" ;"7<-.k~ <br />___.L r erA'''< C c _/ '- <br />/ V llaCye Clerk <br />