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<br />RES 0 L UTI 0 N 265 <br /> <br />~xrF(~ C'T' OF :"IFurr~~c; OF ccETi1'JG OF 'T'HE <br />Vl LL r,~E CUTNCn, <br />VITI, f.C:F: OF HOC::S\fILLE <br />COfTNTY CF ~U"SEY <br /> <br />CfTl~,rT1E (::1i' ~'lI'NI\;~;',:--'~cri':~ <br /> <br />Fursuant to oue call Ano notice thereof, 8. rC~1118r meetinF of the <br />Vjllaae Council of the 1ill."ye of Eosevil1e, HclInSe'T Ce'unty, Vinneso+,a, <br />11,<)8 hel n in the il19re Hall at 2701 ;'Jorth Lex~nO'tonll_ven'le, St. <br />Fp'11, hinnesole, on Tues~:aI, the 12 -'lAV of h,-,y, 1959, at 8:00 O'clock, <br />F. . <br /> <br />The followinp- members were present.: .411 <br />And the follm,rinr:r "ere absent: l\one <br />IVjember 13rennan introduced the follov.rinF resolution ann moverl its <br />cv10pti on: <br /> <br />TC;'30IFl'I'vN Rt':Li''l'DJ'' TG^ FFORTIl.Nn f;:NT <br />OF II SS~:::Si!'::<: ;'01'3 <br /> <br />AS TC: :;n,)JIr;'.r\~~Y SEi~'J~-Lt1 JJFf~,CIl~i'c::;-'T\JT :\JU. 1 <br /> <br />BL: rr H'~:':CL'v2;D by theiillCiFe CouncE of the Jillcwe of Roseville, <br />J'1inneso+a, a[') follows: <br />!tJHEREA "', the assessment roll for SanitAry Sewer Improvement No. 1 <br />as finally mnenned ann arlopted on October 4, 1957, WAS certified to the <br />County Aurlrhtor of Ran.E'ey County and, <br />it.JHfi:RE AS, a h82ri'lF on sup;'lernental assessments, reClssessments, and <br />apportiomnent of prf,vious assessm8nts in r"'spect to Sani t"ry Se1,er Improve- <br />ment No.1 W2S hel.4 on ,Jul'! 1:1, 1958 an.4 rF',~o'lrneo to tJuly 2!J, 19";8 at <br />Hhich tjme assessments for Sanitary Sewer Improverr'Pnt No.1 w,,,,re Clrr;ended as <br />provioed by sRid resclution of s'1ic1 opts anr1 cert:ifierl and filerl in the <br />office of t.he County ,~udHor of Ralnsey County on September 5, 1958 and <br />"1lWRSAS, since that date a number of p2rcels of property conbineo within <br /> ascoessment roll as !'mended have been rlivicled and conveyerJ by previous <br />property owners and <br />HfF:REI\S, the COlmty/J,urii tor of R2msey County reqllire8 tn2t apportioment <br />of the oriO'in31 8ssessment 8rAinst each orip-inal tract where it has l"l+er <br />been divided, solrl or conveyed, be made by thp 'Jjllpp-e Council of the Vill::1o-e <br />of RoseviJle in order th'1t thE" proper assessment can be extended by the County <br />Audi tor ap;::inst (,"acb p2rcel of property lb.hereaftpr, comrnencing with an assess- <br />rrent +(j he collecterl in the ye"'r 1959 rme' thereafter. <br />N()1-T THERT~Oj:(E, the Vil18p"e Council of the Villare of RosevUle does hereby make <br />the follo,,ring apportioment cf orisrinal assessments as cont!=' ined in said <br />assessnent roll of October )-1, 1957 and 2S 2mended as of July 2)1, 1958 apajnst <br />the followinf describerl properties: <br /> <br />No. 282 <br />Uripinal Assessment: <br /> <br />P,pportionment: <br /> <br />Subject to TH 10 with <br />eSlTlts :<t vii th se\\Ter esmt <br />except south 559.3 ft. <br />measurerl on at RA with <br />west line of Sec. 14; the <br />l\T~ of 31;';% of 3\'J1 of S~v~ of <br />Sec. 14, T 29, R23. <br />itJith esmts pxcept west 150 <br />ft. 8,. except sou th 559.3 ft. <br />measnred on t- at ftt, with Hest <br />line of See .li.\.; the ltJ~ of SW~ <br />of sv.}~ of S"\J~ of Sec. 14 <br /> <br />n, 793.22 <br /> <br />t.l, 035 .37 <br />