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WHEREAS, Petitioner will or has commenced candemnation proceedings to <br />acquire the Praperty, but the Petiiioner has need of immediate title and possessian of the <br />Property to facilitate public roadway improvemenfs an the Property; and <br />WHEREAS, Petitioner's Petition for candem�at�on includes acquisiti�n of fee <br />title, and �emporary construc�ian and building demolition easements over, under and <br />across the Property; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties hereto that this Agreement refiecf the <br />total understanding between them for the present conveyance of title to the Property ta <br />Peiitioner and the immediate transfer of possession thereof ta the Pefitioner to <br />accommodate said public roadway i�nprovements; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the desire af the parties ta provide for the depasit of the <br />Petitioner's appraisal of value of $2,Q82,740 to the �amsey Cou:nty District Court as <br />present consideration for the taking of the Property with the understanciing that the actual <br />consideration to be paid by the 1'eti�ioner shall be d�termined in said condemnation <br />proceedings. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, IT TS AGI2EED AND STI�ULATED hy and between the <br />parties hereta as follows: <br />1. Respondents �oseville Acquisitions, LLC, Anchor Banl� Saint l�aul, N.A., <br />Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota hereby stipulate to the public purpose of the <br />acquisition by the P'etitianer of the Property and the condemnatian proceedings that have <br />been or are to be commenced by the Petitioner with respect thereto. <br />2 <br />