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�61 Mr. �nzler noied previous lot line delineation errors; and expressed his willingness ta <br />�62 work with Mr. Mueller in seeking resolution. <br />163 Andy Weyer, 2�25 W County Road B <br />�6� Mr. Weyer presented his historical perspecfive of the property, and rationale for it's <br />��5 inclu5ion an the Heritage Trail based an the original tiome's construction; a�d o�fered #hat <br />��� the home cau[d easily be relocated for greater use. Mr. Weyer apined #hat the property <br />�67 itself was not of historical import; and t�e horr�e itself was originally maved fram its farmer <br />�68 locatian ta faciiitate constructian of Midland Grove, which property was originaffy awned <br />169 by his ancestors, and allowing far growth and progress. Mr. Weyer opined that things <br />17o change; and there was value in mo�ing foiward for the community, as well as with what <br />171 remained of his family homestead. <br />1 f2 A11ene Wiley <br />7�3 Ms. Wiley opined that Mr. Weyer had his own private road, mailb�x and address and <br />� 7� woufd experience minimal impacts to his priva#e property; howe�er, she noted that while <br />� 7a he would make considerab�e money on the safe of this remaining por�ion of his family's <br />� i� farrnstead; it didn't mea� that Midland Gro�e Road rteeded to be further impacted. Ms. <br />�i7 Wiley opined that it may be more advantageous to Mr. Weyer financiafly ff the property <br />178 were sofd for singie-family housing and provide an asset to the neighborhood rather than <br />1i9 a detriment. <br />ig0 Art Mueller, De�elope.r <br />18� Mr. Mueller responded to public commenCs; and provided his historical perspective of and <br />1�2 his persona! develapment of Midland Grove and Ferriswood, in addition to this propasal; <br />1$3 noting the positive benefit of the previous projects to the City. Mr. Mueller questioned if <br />18� there were others suppor�ing the project, but not appearing to speak in that suppo�t; and <br />18� noted his experience in receiving positive suppa�t for the proposed project and fhe need <br />�S� for this senior housing option. <br />�B7 Chair Baf�err�an closed the Public Hearing at i0:40 p.m. <br />188 ME�TION (9.7} <br />189 Member 6akeman moved, seconded by Member Boerigter to RECOMMEND <br />19� APPROVAL of the COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE MAP AME{VDMENT of 2D25 <br />�91 Cour�ty Raad B West from Law Density Residential to High Density Residential. <br />1�2 Discussion included clarification that the density designation wauld s#ay with tF�e property <br />193 even if this proposal was not approved, while fur#her clarifying the process through items <br />��� ta be solidified (i.e., PUD Agreement; submissian af plans and �ocumen#s; �ecording of <br />�95 rezoning af the property with Ramsey County; Comprehensi�e Pfan amendmen� through <br />1�b the Metropolitan Council; related issues to support this praject); and the need for another <br />�9i PUD for any ather project on this parcel;: and State statute requirements for <br />19� Comprehensive Plan and Zoning consistencies. <br />�gg Commissianer poherty spoke in opposition to the pro�asal, e�en with reduced s#ory and <br />20o units; based on mo�ing from Low Density to High pensit.y rath�r than Medium �ensity <br />201 designation. <br />202 Commissioner Wozniak concurred with Commissioner poherty, oPining thaf the praposed <br />203 use was too dense and tao high in a single-family residential area. Commissioner <br />2�4 Wozniak advised that he could support Medium Density designation; ar�d sfill had <br />2p� concerns with traffic and too many units for this size of property, given neighbors and the <br />zo� other surrounding uses. <br />2�7 Commissioner Gottfried concurred with Commissioners Doherty and Wozniak, <br />2ti� expressing concerns with transitioning into the neighbarhood; and supparting Mediurn <br />209 rather #han High Density designation. <br />2�� Mr. Paschke encouraged CommiSSioners to look at the Camprehensive Plan as a guide, <br />211 and the density designa�io�s as addressed in Section 5.6 of the staff report. <br />212 Commissianer Best not�d that Midland Gro�e to the north was High Density; and opined <br />2� 3 that if the site were developed based on those guidelines per acre, this would still be High <br />
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