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balance will be imposed as an annual fee as described in paragraph 5, below. <br />Our records indicate that you prepaid the $ 34950.53 fee imposed on your property <br />under the 7anuary 26, 2009 resolution. Within 45 days after approval of the revised fee resolution (i.e., <br />by July 23, 2009), you must file a written notice with the City Clerk that selects one of the following two <br />options: <br />Option A. You want to ratify the decision to prepay the fee, in which event the City will <br />retain your prior prepayment and treat such amount as a prepayment under the revised resolution. If you <br />select this option, the City will refund to you interest on the amount of your prepayment at the rate of <br />4.5% accrued from the date of prepayment through 7une 8, 2009. That refund will be paid promptly <br />after the effective date of the fee resolution (soon after July 23, 2009). <br />Option B. You want to withdraw your prior prepayment, in which event the City will return <br />to you the amount of your prepayment together with interest on such amount at the rate of 4. 5% accrued <br />from the date of prepayment through 7une 8, 2009. That refund will be paid promptly after the effective <br />date of the resolution (i.e., soon after July 23, 2009). <br />If , by July 23, 2009, you do not file a notice selecting either Option A or Option B, the City will <br />treat your prior prepayment as being ratified, and the City will retain your prepayment amount. In that <br />event, the City will not refund any interest to you. <br />5. Number of years the fee will be in effect: If owners do not prepay the total fee, the <br />annual fee will be imposed in equal installments over a 15-year period, with interest atthe annual rate of <br />7.75%. The annual fee is payable at the same time as property taxes, with the first installment due in <br />2010. <br />6. Compliance with Petition Requirement: Owners of more than 25 percent of the <br />housing units that would be subj ect to the proposed fee in the Housing Improvement Area have filed a <br />petition with the City Clerk requesting a public hearing on the proposed fee, in accordance with <br />Minnesota Statutes, Section 428A.12. If the owners of 3 5% or more of the housing units subj ect to the <br />housing improvement fee file written obj ections with the City Manager within 45 days after the adoption <br />of the resolution imposing the fee, the resolution will be null and void, and any amount prepaid during <br />that period will be refunded. <br />If you would like a detailed explanation as to how the housing improvement fee for your <br />property was calculated you can contact me by email at: chris.miller(cr�,, or by <br />phone at: 651-792-7031. <br />Sincerely, <br />��. �: �t <br />Chris Miller <br />